Definition of

Lightning rod

A lightning rod , also known as a lightning rod , is a device used as a safety mechanism to protect buildings and boats from the consequences of electricity from clouds. These artifacts are made up of iron rods that end in a point and are linked to the earth and to each other by metal conductors.

Lightning rodLightning rods are responsible for attracting lightning . Thus, thanks to their design, they manage to conduct the electric discharge towards the earth, preventing people and buildings from suffering damage.

The invention of the lightning rod is attributed to the American scientist Benjamin Franklin . It was he who postulated that storms constitute an electrical phenomenon and, within this framework, he devised these elements that attract the discharge to lead it to the ground.

Specifically, it was in the year 1752 when the aforementioned scientist and inventor gave shape to that device. Hence, the first lightning rod that was created was known by the name of the Franklin lightning rod.

However, it must be recognized that it was Nikola Tesla who took certain steps so that this original lightning rod was transformed into more advanced ones that are more common today, although the one designed by Franklin continues to be used.

Specifically, it was in 1918 when he managed to greatly perfect this invention, he made different changes to it and gave shape to what is known as a broad-based pickup tip lightning rod. After that, more modernizations of the aforementioned invention occurred.

The structure of a lightning rod is made up of three parts: the electrode that captures the discharge, the ground and the conductor that carries the current from the electrode to the ground. Generally, the element that captures the discharge is specifically named as a lightning rod.

We cannot ignore either that there are other types of lightning rods. This would be the case, for example, of the electrostatic charge deionizing lightning rod, the multiple field compensating lightning rod or the so-called lightning rod with a starting device.

The inclusion of lightning rods in buildings is very important due to the destructive potential that lightning has. The discharge can electrocute a human being , causing cardiorespiratory arrest, for example. It can also affect a building and cause fires.

When a lightning rod is installed at the top of a building, this object captures the electrical discharge and channels it to a grounding system . There the lightning discharge ends up dissipating without causing damage.

Likewise, it is interesting that you know that, currently, lightning rods usually cover a distance of about 200 meters in diameter. And for this it is necessary that they be installed in towers or columns of approximately 15 meters.

When installing a lightning rod it is necessary to determine the type of lightning rod to be installed. And this factor will determine that the purchase and installation of the same will have a lower or higher price. Specifically, it is currently stipulated that the cost of this can range between 5,000 and 7,000 euros, more or less.