Definition of



Paralysis refers to the reduction or lack of movement in some area of ​​the body.

Paralysis is the lack or reduction of movement in some body region. The term, which comes from the Latin paralysis - itself derived from a Greek word - also refers to the suspension of a process, a task or a function.

When there is partial or mild paralysis, we speak of paresis , which is usually described as a situation where the muscles are weak. Paresis is a symptom of several diseases, such as multiple sclerosis .

Different shapes

Among the different forms of paralysis, we can mention those that arise for neurological reasons and that are systematic. Paraplegia (a disease that causes paralysis of the lower extremities of the body), hemiplegia (motor disorder that affects a vertical half of the body) and tetraplegia (caused by a problem in the spinal cord that causes paralysis, either partial or total, of the extremities).

There are paralysis, on the other hand, that arise from a disorder that affects a nerve and that are classified as peripheral. In these cases , median nerve paralysis and radial paralysis can be mentioned.

Cassius Clay

Boxer Muhammad Ali suffered from Parkinson's disease, a condition classified as shaking paralysis.

Bell's palsy

In the same way, we cannot ignore talking about what is called Bell's palsy . This can be defined as an episode in which the muscles on one of the two sides of the face are temporarily paralyzed as a result of inflammation and subsequent compression of the nerves on that side of the face .

There are several causes that can cause a person to suffer from this disease, which can occur in anyone and especially in adults. These range from an infection (flu, herpes, mononucleosis...) to Lyme disease, which is an infection transmitted by ticks.

The most clearly determining symptoms that show that a person is being affected by Bell's palsy are the following: headache, weakness, dryness or difficulty moving one eye, notable changes in saliva production, problems with It's time to savor food...

Rest, tranquility, time and some medications to reduce inflammation are the measures that doctors take to help their patients overcome the aforementioned type of paralysis. It is important to emphasize that, although those who suffer from it may be a little scared, they should know that they will fully recover in a period of approximately one to three months.

To achieve this in the shortest time possible, they must carry out some simple tasks such as resting a lot and eating as balanced a diet as possible.

Other disorders and conditions

Parkinson 's disease , for its part, is often mentioned as a shaking paralysis . This neurological disease causes tremors, muscle stiffness , and the inability to perform voluntary movements effectively.

Cerebral palsy , finally, is a disorder with permanent characteristics that affects the psychomotor development of the person.