Definition of



The parallelism of two lines of the same plane occurs when they cannot intersect or join.

Parallelism is the condition of parallel . This term, which comes from the Latin word parallēlus (in turn derived from the Greek parállēlos ), can refer to different issues.

The concept, as an adjective, refers to something analogous or that has a correspondence with something else . In the field of geometry , meanwhile, surfaces or lines are parallel when they maintain the same distance from each other at all points .

As a noun , on the other hand, a parallel is an equivalence or a similarity . It is mentioned as parallel to that or that which, due to its characteristics, resembles another element.

Parallelism in geometry

A simple definition of parallelism in geometry indicates that this quality appears in straight lines when they are part of the same plane without meeting each other. This means that, even though these lines extend to infinity in both directions, they will never intersect .

Expressed another way, the parallelism of two lines that share a plane arises when these lines will never intersect or join. With parallelism, then, the points of the lines are always equidistant from each other, since no approximation can occur.

The concept in rhetoric

In the field of rhetoric , parallelism is a stylistic resource . It is considered a figure of repetition that is based on the reiteration of a structure to achieve a certain effect in the text.

Parallelism can be semantic or syntactic . In the first case, it consists of the repetition of a concept although using different words: “The old man is afflicted by the betrayal of his descendant / The old man feels sad due to his son's lack of loyalty.”

As for syntactic parallelism , it arises from a structural similarity between several sequences . In this way a correspondence is generated between the various syntactic constituents.


The application of multiple CPUs to solve the same problem is known as parallelism.

Biological parallelism

The idea of ​​parallelism also appears in biology . This is the name given to an evolutionary process that implies that different branches of a clade evolve in an analogous way .

With parallelism, species that are related although different, share a similar trait that has an independent origin. Regarding genetics , parallelism is generated by a phenotypic modification arising from mutations in the same gene.

The term in computing

Applying a multiplicity of processors to solve the same problem is known as parallelism. In this way, parallelism takes advantage of the computing power of many CPUs working together .

The parallelism is based on a logical approach: if a CPU takes 5 hours to offer a result, 5 CPUs together will offer the result in 1 hour. This way complex problems can be addressed efficiently.

Parallel computing is mentioned as the computing modality that makes it possible to process numerous instructions executed simultaneously. What is done is to fragment a large problem into several smaller ones that are solved in parallel (that is, simultaneously).

Parallelism also helps to address the problem of energy consumption and temperature increase . For this reason, computational architecture currently uses this resource frequently.