Definition of



The black panther gets its color from excess dark pigmentation.

Panther is a term from the Latin panthera – although with more remote origins in the Greek language – that is used to name different types of big cats . Generally, the concept allows referring to the black panther , a variation of the leopard or jaguar.

In any case, there is much confusion about the notion. In South America , the jaguar is referred to as a panther; In North America , however, the word is more used to name the puma . In the rest of the world, on the other hand, the term is usually used to refer to the leopard .

To add even more confusion, Panthera is the genus of mammals belonging to the family Felidae , which includes the jaguar , leopard , tiger , and lion . These four species have the anatomical structure necessary to roar .

black panther and white panther

Returning to what was said at the beginning of this article, the traditional black panther is a variation of the leopard or jaguar caused by melanism , which is an excess of dark pigmentation in the animal.

The white panther , for its part, refers to leopards or jaguars that have this color due to albinism, leucism or another genetic mutation.

panthera leo

Panthera leo is the scientific name for the lion.

The lion

Generally known as a lion , the panthera leo is the animal popularly considered the king of the jungle and, after studying what humans have managed to learn from this incredible mammal , it is not difficult to understand this statement.

It is a carnivorous animal that has its habitat in Asia , South America and North Africa . Worldwide, it is the largest mammal after the tiger, and its weight can reach 250 kilos. Males and females are easily distinguished thanks to the fact that the former have manes, the length and color of which varies according to age, genetics, hormonal issues and wear and tear.

Hunting is an activity almost exclusive to females, although the male is the first to eat and the rest of the pack must make do with his leftovers. The members of the panthera leo family are very strong and robust animals, which is why they base their diet on buffalo, zebra, wildebeest, impala and, although not very frequently, giraffes.

It is worth mentioning that lions and hyenas have a very particular rivalry, which has even been taken to the cinema in films such as "The Lion King" , since they usually follow them closely to try to take their food; If a group of hyenas finds a lion alone, it will be forced to give them its food.

Regarding their longevity, the panthera leo begins to lose its strength around 10 years of age, depending on the degree of wear and tear it has experienced, and they can live an average of 15 years. Dominant males can have a shorter lifespan than females, since when they reach old age they are usually expelled from their pack by a stronger one, or even die in the confrontation.

Although they do not usually appear in documentaries, there are white lions, whose skin is lighter and their fur is cream-colored due to a disorder known as leucism, equivalent to albinism in humans. It should be noted that these are individuals that belong to the same species and simply present a genetic alteration.

Pantera, a rock band

Pantera is also the name of an American heavy rock band that disbanded in 2003 .

Founded by brothers Darrell and Vinnie Paul Abbott , the group achieved its greatest success with the incorporation of Phil Anselmo as singer and the creation of songs such as "Five minutes alone" , "Walk" , "Fucking hostile" and "This love". » .