Definition of

Discussion panel

round table

In a discussion panel, a group of specialists reflect on a certain topic.

Panel is a term that has two etymological origins. When it comes from the English language, it refers to a group of individuals who meet, periodically or specifically, to publicly analyze an issue or to prepare a report on a certain topic .

Discussion , meanwhile, comes from the Latin word discussio . This is what the act and result of discussing is called: studying a subject carefully, debating.

The group of specialists who come together to discuss a certain issue is called a discussion panel , in this way. The panelists, within this framework, share their visions, reflections and proposals on the issue.

Discussion panel concept

The idea of ​​a discussion panel is linked to other notions, such as a round table or debate . Although in everyday language these concepts are used synonymously, it is usually indicated that in a discussion panel the contributions made by all participants are expanded or complemented, without major opposition in positions beyond the exchange.

Respect , then, is the basis of the development of a discussion panel. It is understood that the panelists have sufficient knowledge to speak with authority, which means that each person's perspective is valued and confrontations or conflicts are not frequent, unlike what can occur in a round table.


One of the objectives of the panel discussion is to be enriching for the audience.

Its structure and operation

Typically, a discussion panel has between 3 and 7 members . Each one is allocated about 20 minutes of presentation, where they can express their ideas . At the end of the dissertations, a moderator or coordinator is in charge of making a summary and making explicit any differences between the speakers.

It cannot be omitted to mention that the panelists, during the development of the meeting, establish conversations among themselves. The moderator can intervene to organize the discussion. After the presentations, the public is sometimes invited to give their opinion, comment or ask questions.

For the discussion panel to be useful and valuable, it is essential that the panelists prepare their speech and have extensive knowledge on the subject . This knowledge is what allows the discussion to be fruitful and enriching and relevant conclusions can be obtained.

The importance of moderation in a discussion panel

Although the panelists are the protagonists of these meetings and the public is the recipient of the talks, the moderators fulfill an essential role. They are in charge of making the introduction, introducing the specialists, organizing the talks and summarizing what was analyzed.

It is recommended that the moderator speak beforehand with the panelists. This serves to adjust details and helps to ensure that the participants are on the same page or dynamic .

The moderator must not forget that one of the purposes of the discussion panel is to provide a satisfactory experience to the audience . That is why it has to intervene whenever necessary, directing the actions.

This mission brings us to another point: the moderator must act firmly. He or she must be able to assume leadership , interrupting when necessary and directing exchanges as agreed.