Definition of


Before proceeding to know the meaning of the term dove, we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, it must be emphasized that it is a word that derives from Latin. Specifically, it emanates from “palumba” which, in turn, comes from the Greek “pelia”, which can be translated as “dove”.

A pigeon is a bird that belongs to the columbiformes group. This means that it has a robust body with short legs and a small head.

PigeonThere are many types of pigeons that are distinguished by their color and size. There are more than three hundred species that can be included in the group of pigeons, each with its own particularities.

With the exception of the Arctic and Antarctic , pigeons have spread across the entire surface of the Earth . Several species have even managed to adapt to cities , generating a public health problem due to the diseases that can be transmitted through their excrement and causing property problems due to the corrosion caused by their depositions.

Pigeons are monogamous and usually lay two eggs , which both females and males incubate in the nests. They feed the young with crop milk , a substance secreted by specimens of both sexes. Adults, meanwhile, eat fruits and seeds.

Their visual acuity, their flight speed and their sense of direction are other distinctive characteristics of pigeons. Humans have managed to domesticate this animal through pigeon racing , using specimens as carrier pigeons that can carry letters and then return to their loft.

No less important is to know that there are different types of pigeons, among which we can highlight the rabiche, the zuritas, the red-billed, the brave, the Ceylon, the Victoria crested or the wood pigeons.

In Spain the most common are the bravías, also known as Iberian, which is the only species that has the uniqueness that it can be found in lands where there are no trees.

It should also be noted that people attribute various symbolisms to doves. White doves with an olive branch in their beak, for example, are used as a symbol of peace in Western cultures.

In the same way, you have to know that Paloma is a woman's name. It is a very common name both in Spain and in other countries where Spanish is spoken and it is attributed to women with a big heart, intelligent, who are always willing to help others and who turn out to be very sociable.

Among the famous people who call themselves this way is, for example, the singer Paloma San Basilio (1950), who has sold more than sixteen million records and who has successfully starred in musicals such as “Evita” or “El hombre de “La Mancha”. Among his best-known songs are “Together”, “The party ended” or “To learn to love you”.

There are also the journalist Paloma Gómez Borrero (1934) or the writer Paloma Sánchez-Garnica (1962).