Definition of



A word is a functional fragment of an expression.

The term word comes from the Latin parabola and expresses one of the most essential elements in any language; It is a functional fragment of an expression , delimited by pauses and accents. The combination of words and their meanings allows us to form phrases or sentences and the sum of the different words in a given expression will result in its own specific meaning.

Within grammar, words can receive numerous classifications : according to the use made of them in a sentence (verbs, nouns , adjectives, adverbs, etc.), the number of syllables they present (monosyllables, disyllables, trisyllables and polysyllables). ) or its accentuation (high, low and esdrújulas). Each of them fulfills a specific function according to the context in which it is used. Some examples of sentences where the term appears may be: "The teacher asked me for three examples of words that begin with the letter h" , "Murciélago is a esdrújula word" , "I don't understand what word you have written here" .

Word as a capacity for speech or turn of expression

The concept of word is sometimes used to associate it with the ability to speak , talent in oratory, the written representation of oral language or what was said by another person. An example of this are the following phrases: "When I saw the images, I was left speechless" , "Engineer Ricciardini's words were praised by the audience present" .

Other uses of the notion are related to the turn to express oneself in a meeting or an assembly and with the promise or trust that an individual grants: "Now the delegate Lagusto, who asked to speak, is going to speak," "Jorge gave me his word." so it must be yet to come .

Rudeness and insults

Bad words , on the other hand, are those that are rude or indecent. They are generally linked to eschatological or sexual issues.

When it is a pejorative way in which an individual addresses another, these words are called insults , their purpose is to harm or offend the recipient by referring to certain practices, attitudes or even physical or mental disabilities.


There are words that, in the same language, are understood differently depending on the region.

words and language

Each word has its own meaning according to the region where it is used, which is why it often happens that in different countries certain terms do not refer to the same thing, they even refer to opposite things. For example, in Buenos Aires a "curro" is the exploitation of an idea or product to make easy money, while in Spain it is a synonym for "work."

On the other hand, in most languages ​​there are words that are supposed to be forbidden, they are called taboos and they are generally related to certain aspects of the history of the place that you want to hide, or to religious stigmas. For example, in Romania the word socialism is taboo and in many conservative countries, terms related to sexuality are.

The context and history

In Western languages ​​the word usually takes on a very specific character while in languages ​​like Japanese they do not have this connotation but are usually more contextual. To continue with this example, although in Spanish the words have gender and number, in other languages ​​such as Japanese the words are not classified in this way. Therefore sentences are made up of various complements.

To understand the history of a people, it is enough to get closer to their language, to the transformations that the passage of time has wrought in their language , therefore in their words. Understanding the origin of the words used in a certain place is getting closer to its history , and without this approach it is impossible to know a space. If we look at our environment a little we will see that we use words that we do not even know where they come from, and since we have the tradition of many countries (Italy, Spain, France, etc.) inscribed in our blood, knowing the origin of the words that we use every day It will be a better way to get closer to who we ourselves are, where exactly we come from. It is worth quoting to exemplify this paragraph what was expressed by the intellectual Joseph T. Shipley, who said that through the study of the history of the word is how we will be able to understand how the men who shape the course of civilizations think and have thought.

Reserved word and word arrangement

In computing, a reserved word is called those essential terms of a certain programming language that cannot be used by a programmer to refer to objects or values ​​created by him. For example, if, for and while , among others.

We can also add to the definition that in Spanish-speaking countries the expression "verbal agreement" is usually used to express an agreement between two parties that has not been left in writing, where each one trusts the other and the fulfillment of the demands. of said agreement.