Definition of

Web page


A web page is a document that is part of a website.

A document that is part of a website and that usually has links (also known as hyperlinks or links ) to facilitate navigation between the contents is known as a web page .

Web pages are developed with markup languages ​​such as HTML , which can be interpreted by browsers . In this way, pages can present information in different formats (text, images, sounds, videos, animations), be associated with style data or have interactive applications.

Among the many characteristics that a website has and that serve to identify it are the following: it has textual information and also audiovisual material, it has an attractive design, it is optimized and acts as the business card of a company. , a specific person or professional.

Creation of web pages

In recent years, given the advancement and presence that the Internet has in our lives, many companies have started up and created their website. And they have discovered that it helps them to make themselves known to the world, to attract new clients and, therefore, to improve their economic results.

In this sense, it is important to know that in order to ensure that said space on the Internet is absolutely effective and allows the aforementioned objectives to be achieved, a series of fundamental criteria must be taken into account:

It has to have an attractive design to attract the user's attention and get them to navigate through it. In this sense, this attractiveness will be achieved by offering quality information as well as materials of various kinds such as animations, videos, images...

It is vital that the usual SEO strategy and optimization tasks are carried out with it. Only in this way will it be visible and known.

It must include links both to different sections of the same web page and to other spaces that may be of great interest to the user.

It must be easily navigable. Only in this way will the Internet user visit it again.

It is possible to distinguish between static web pages (whose content is predetermined) and dynamic web pages (which generate content when requesting information from a web server through interpreted languages ​​such as JavaScript ).


Web pages are developed in HTML language.

From sites to the WWW

A set of web pages, therefore, form a website. The pages are usually brought together under a common domain so that the site in question is accessible from the same address on the Internet .

The immense totality of pages that make up websites give rise to what is known as the World Wide Web , Web , Network or, simply, Internet , which is the virtual universe where the digital information of cyberspace is gathered.

For example: is the official site of the National Basketball Association ( NBA ). Its address or URL is . Within this megasite, there is a large number of web pages. Each team has its own site, which in turn hosts the web pages of each of the players in the league. News, statistics and multimedia information also occupy several pages within .