Definition of



A kiss is a kiss of affection or respect.

Osculus comes from the Latin osculum and refers to the kiss of affection or respect . The term, therefore, is used as a synonym for kiss. For example: “I still feel his warm kiss on my cheek,” “He looked into her eyes and gave her the most tender kiss that could come from any mouth,” “A kiss and a hug can make the most unfortunate happy.”

The kiss can take different forms. Generally, it is an action that allows expressing affection , love or respect . In some societies, kisses involve a significant degree of intimacy and familiarity while, in others, it is a much more common and common form of greeting.

Kiss between men

Kissing on the cheek between men is common in Latin American countries. Men do not have to be family or friends: they may choose this type of greeting as soon as they meet.

This kiss does not have any special connotation or sexual charge, but is simply a custom with characteristics similar to those of a handshake or a bow. In other countries, however, a kiss between men is almost directly associated with homosexuality or an invasion of the intimate sphere.


The kiss can be a form of greeting.

From respect to passion

It is an action that can have different intentions and intensities, and is mainly associated with the treatment between human beings who show respect and admiration.

The most intense and passionate kisses take place in a romantic relationship. These kisses include contact between mouths and tongues, with a deep and intimate interaction.

Osculus in religion

This term has great importance in the field of the Christian religion ; There are several passages that mention it, such as Romans 16:16 ( "Greet one another with a holy kiss" ) and 1 Peter 5:14 ( "Greet one another with a kiss of love" ). In this case, the absence of romanticism in the kiss proposed by the Bible must be emphasized, since it is a symbol of purity, unity, sincerity and love as essential parts of Christian brotherhood.

Christianity proposes the practice of the holy kiss as an expression of God's love for his neighbor, but not everyone falls into this group; If we carefully read an excerpt from 1 Thessalonians 5:26 , we see to whom this gesture should be directed: "Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss." They are brothers > those who follow and respect Christ ; This respectful kiss should not be given to anyone outside the Christian religion. But, according to Bible scholars, there are more restrictions.

Hippolytus of Rome , who lived for years distanced from the Church but reconciled with his faith and became a saint, assured that, in addition to offering this symbol to people who followed Jesus in his life teachings, the kiss should be shared between individuals of the same sex, to ensure that the purity of the symbol was maintained, in a framework in which homosexuality is not allowed, but is denied and heterosexual bonds are forced to ensure the procreation of our species.

Within the Christian community, the kiss becomes less and less frequent due to the influence of external cultural factors, which generate a certain shyness. However, the Church tries to maintain this custom which, depending on the study, constitutes an authentic commandment, which is mentioned repeatedly in the Bible . In fact, if someone opposes the practice of this kiss of love and respect, their faith, their devotion to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the purity of their heart are called into question.