Definition of



The idea of ​​ortiva is linked to rising (the irruption of a star).

The Latin word ortīvus derived, in our language , from ortivo or ortiva . It is a term used in astronomy to name what is linked to ortho . This word, for its part, comes from ortus and refers to the irruption of a star (like the sun ) on the horizon.

The ortive amplitude is the angle created by the ortho of the star in question with the horizontal line. In the case of the sun, this amplitude is not stable, but rather changes over the months due to variations in the star 's declination.

From ortiva to ortiba

Beyond astronomy, ortiva is frequent in the River Plate lunfardo, although written with B ( ortiba ). The term arose from turning the syllables of the word beater and eliminating the D : from ba-ti-dor it became or-ti-ba . An ortiba is a person who “bats” , that is, who betrays another person .

Typically, the ortiba is an informer who works for the police or authorities. For example: “There is an ortiba within our group and I am going to find out” , “The commissioner found out about the plan thanks to the action of an ortiba” , “Don't be an ortiba and shut up” .

Other uses of the idea of ​​ortiba refer to someone who behaves obediently or to someone who does not usually support the proposals of another , refusing to accompany him: “Here comes Manuel's ortiba, always willing to help the boss,” “I asked “Diego came with me to buy clothes but the Ortiba told me he was tired,” “I'm not Ortiba, but I can't go to the party because I have to study.”


Ortiva and ortiba are terms used in lunfardo and other jargons.

More uses

Likewise, it must also be highlighted that in some Latin American countries the word ortiva is used as a synonym for boring . A clear example of this use would be the following phrase: “Manuel is an ortiva, he never wants to leave the house or come with us when we go out to party.”

However, in the same way it can be used with the meaning of gossip . For this reason, it is common to say phrases like this: “My neighbor on the fifth floor is an ortiva, she is always hiding behind the doors listening to the conversations of all the tenants.”

Ortiva fungicide

However, we cannot ignore that Ortiva is the name of a fungicide commonly used in the field of agriculture. And it achieves great results when it comes to ensuring that crops are not affected by various diseases.

Preventively or at the beginning of the plague is when it is recommended to use this product, which has Azoxystrobin among its main components. This is part of the strobirulin group and is responsible, among other things, for preventing the germination of spores.

Specifically, this product is considered to be one of the best fungicides that exist at the moment and offers great results, especially when dealing with mildew . This is a disease that attacks the green parts of the vine, that is, the leaves, the youngest branches and the clusters.