Definition of


Before going into depth into the meaning of the term orchid, we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, we have to emphasize that it is a word that derives from Greek. Specifically, it emanates from “orkhis”, which can be translated as “testicle”. And in this way it is established that the shape of the bulbs of that plant resemble that aforementioned part of the male body.

It is also interesting to know that the name orchid was given to this plant species by a Greek philosopher. We are referring to Theophrastus, who was one of the disciples of the great thinker Aristotle.

Orchids or orchidaceae are plants that belong to the group of monocotyledonous angiosperms . This means that, like all angiosperms, orchids are phanerogamous (their reproductive organs are flower-shaped, where fertilization takes place) with carpels that make up a closed cavity.

OrchidThe classification as monocotyledonous, meanwhile, refers to the fact that it has an embryo with a single cotyledon. The idea of ​​cotyledon, in turn, refers to the first leaf that emerges from the embryo.

The colors and shapes of their flowers make orchids highly appreciated vegetables in gardening . It is estimated that there are more than 25,000 species of orchids, not counting hybrids.

This diversity makes the morphology of orchids very varied. It is possible to find these plants in all regions except those with a polar or desert climate. In any case, orchids usually develop in intertropical places.

In the same way, it is curious to know that each orchid, depending on its color, has a specific meaning. Therefore, when giving one to someone you have to choose the aforementioned color very carefully to convey a very clear and specific message:

-The white orchid, for example, is a symbol of purity and elegance.

-The purple orchid, for its part, is associated with justice, wisdom and even prudence. Hence, it is a great gift for people who are dedicated to professions related to Law.

-The yellow orchid is considered to be a symbol of sensuality and eroticism.

-The green orchid, on the other hand, represents what Nature is in its purest form, but also hope and freshness.

-The red orchid, finally, we can establish that it is a symbol of passion and also love.

Many countries have orchids as their national flower . That is the case of Honduras , Panama , Costa Rica , Venezuela , Guatemala and Colombia , for example.

One of the most famous orchids worldwide is Vanilla planifolia . This plant, cultivated on the American continent and in certain regions of Africa , produces a fruit that is used as a flavoring and flavoring: vanilla . An endless number of sweets, ice creams and chocolates, among other products, are made with vanilla.

“Tuesdays, orchids” , finally, is the title of a famous Argentine film that premiered in 1941 and marked the consecration of Mirtha Legrand . The central character of the film is Elenita , a withdrawn and romantic young woman who receives a bouquet of orchids every week from a secret admirer: her father, who tries to raise her self-esteem with this gesture.