Definition of

sexual orientation

Gender perception

Every person has the right to be respected and to live their sexuality freely, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

Sexual orientation is an expression of broad interpretation or application since it goes beyond alluding to the sexual, romantic or erotic attraction that someone experiences in relation to people with whom they may or may not share age, gender, any sexual preference, etc. .

Sexual orientation , complemented and combined with gender roles and gender identity , connects with self-perception and leads to specifying the sexual identity of a human being.

Getting informed, getting advice, breaking prejudices, avoiding preconceptions and being interested in this topic contributes to being clear that there are both heterosexuality and homosexuality , as well as bisexuality and many other modalities that do not define human beings nor should they be taken as an excuse to commit crimes. acts of violence due to sexual orientation or gender discrimination . We must even know that there is asexuality in the world, a reality that characterizes subjects who lack desire or interest in maintaining intimacy and therefore do not have an active sexual life.

Types of sexual orientation

Along with the varieties mentioned above, there are more types of sexual orientation that reveal endless possibilities that belong to the private level of each individual, regardless of the need or personal willingness to want to publicly recognize oneself as part of one group or another.

We live, for example, with those who fall within pansexuality since their fantasies, their affinities and the phenomenon of seduction are not limited or conditioned by binary gender systems : pansexuals do not pay attention to the gender identity or sex of the person. being that attracts them.

Nor should we overlook the classifications of monosexuality and polysexuality . In the first set, given that they respond to the loving and erotic bond with a single gender (which may or may not be shared by those who make up a couple), heterosexuality and homosexuality appear. In the second, meanwhile, the aforementioned pansexuality and bisexuality appear because there is more than one object of interest.

When we talk about demisexuality , on the other hand, we point to people who need an emotional bond, a closeness or feeling of previous affection in order to feel sexually attracted to that being with whom they first forge a close bond of attachment, romanticism or affection.

Diversity in terms of sexual orientation is deepened through the recognition of androsexuality (marked by the attraction towards stereotypical masculine traits or towards men in general) and gynesexuality (whose attraction factor responds to feminine characterizations, without taking into account It does not matter whether the focus of interest is a woman or a male exponent of femininity), to name other alternatives.

LGBTQ+ rights

The LGBTQ+ movement fights to guarantee the rights of transsexuals, transgender, homosexual and bisexual people and put a stop to homophobia , transphobia, lesbophobia, etc.

Gender identities

In pursuit of social inclusion , tolerance , acceptance , self-knowledge and harmonious coexistence , it is necessary to teach and explain what and what gender identities are.

First of all, it is necessary to remember that this notion describes the perception that each person has of themselves. This feeling may or may not correspond to anatomical features. Just as sometimes gender identity coincides with the sex of the person, in other circumstances the sexual organs do not coincide with the identification, personality and mind of a subject.

When the sex assigned at birth corresponds to the gender identity, it is a cisgender individual (man or woman). If there is no compatibility between identity and genitals, then the being is included in the transgender group.

There are also those who focus on the non-binary gender because they do not perceive or recognize themselves as men or women, and a sector called queer whose members avoid labels and choose not to pigeonhole themselves into pre-established genres or intimate tastes.


The feminist movement has been conquering rights on an international scale for some time, but there is still a long road of struggle and awareness to achieve equality and for women to stop being victims of sexist violence and gender discrimination.

Raising awareness about sexual orientation

Much progress has already been made in raising awareness about sexual orientation . Campaigns are launched relatively frequently to promote respect for sexual orientation , workshops focused on sexual diversity and talks on sexology , sexual health and sexual education .

It is also essential to educate society as a whole and especially train communicators, officials, educators and professionals in the health field to put an end to gender stereotypes and avoid hurting someone due to ignorance or lack of tools to interact correctly. from respect and empathy with someone who belongs, for example, to the LGBTQ+ movement .

Governments, in parallel, must implement measures that guarantee gender equality , facilitate adoption procedures for same-sex couples , create a safe environment for LGBTQ+ and so that, ultimately, human rights are enforced. It is also essential that work be done to avoid, combat and punish microaggressions , homophobic bullying , hate crimes based on sexual orientation and, of course, all types of aggressive and discriminatory behavior that threaten the life or well-being of any individual.