Definition of


Musical instrument

A musical instrument is called an organ.

Organ is a term that has different uses. It may be, for example, a musical instrument made up of tubes of different lengths that produce sound by allowing air to pass through. The organs have a keyboard and bellows that propel the air.

The structure of the organ - a word from the Latin orgănum - is made up of a box (which holds the instrument), a console (with the controls to play, including the keyboard , the pedal board and the registers ), the pipe (the set of tubes or flutes), the secret (the box that presents the valve system on which the tubes rest), the mechanism (the system that works as a link between the movements of the controls) and the bellows (which provide the air) .

This instrument is very common in churches since it is usually played during the celebration of mass . The Hammond organ , on the other hand, is known as the instrument invented by Laurens Hammond ( 18951973 ) that works with amplification through individual speakers.

Variety of organs

Among the wide variety of organs that exist, we would have to highlight one of the most important. We are referring to what is known as the chamber organ . It is a small keyboard musical instrument that is especially designed to be used in small rooms.

Among the most important organists in the history of music or the composers who made the most use of the organ, we could highlight great figures such as the German Felix Mendelssohn , the Spanish Jesús Guridi , the Austrian Anton Bruckner and the also German Johannes Brahms , among many more.

Administrative entities

Nor should we overlook the existence of what is known as an administrative body . The aforementioned term is used to refer to the unit of a Public Administration whose clear mission is to carry out a series of specific actions and functions within it.

In the same way, we also find the existence of what are known as judicial bodies . They have a clearly established jurisdiction over which they exercise the ability to decide existing conflicts, respecting at all times the laws and Constitution of the specific country.


In biology, an organ is an associated set of tissues with a common structure and function.

Organs in biology

In the field of biology and anatomy , an organ is an associated set of tissues that share a structure and the same function . The biological complexity scale places organs above tissues and below systems.

The heart, brain , stomach , lungs, kidneys and liver are some of the organs of mammals , including humans. Organ transplant is the medical treatment that consists of replacing a person's organ with an organ donated by another subject.

Furthermore, it must be made clear that the organs of the human body can be classified based on two fundamental criteria. Firstly, taking into account the system or apparatus in which they are found and secondly, based on the anatomical area in which they are found.