Organism is a concept with diverse uses. Below we show you some of the most common.
It can be used to refer to an entity or institution made up of various agencies, departments or offices that work together to achieve certain goals. For example: "The health control agency closed eight restaurants in the center," "The mayor announced changes in the agency in charge of supervising the progress of public works," "My father worked fifteen years in a State agency."
According to their characteristics, it is possible to speak of different types of organisms. International organizations are those whose members or members come from different countries, such as the United Nations Organization ( UN ). A state body , on the other hand, falls within the orbit of the State .
Organism in biology
In the field of biology , the notion of organism is used to name the group that makes up the organs of a living being, including their interrelationships and the natural laws that regulate their functioning: «Nicotine causes great damage to the organism» , « The animal's body was very damaged after the poisoning , "A bacteria entered the patient's body and complicated his state of health." This definition means that, by extension, living beings are also known as organisms.
Just as we mentioned regarding organisms as organizations, biological organisms can be classified taking into account various distinctive aspects. The most common way of classification is taking into account the number of cells that make them up; In this way, it is said that an organism is unicellular when it is made up of a single cell (for example, the paramecium), and that it is multicellular when its body is made up of many cells that work together for the survival of the whole (for example, a human).
Based on this definition embraced by biology in various sciences, the concept is used to talk about the human body and that of other animals. There are concepts such as purification or cleansing of the body , which refers to the elimination of toxins and waste from a person's body. This process is carried out naturally through the expulsion of urine and the excretion of feces. There are various treatments and diets , however, that contribute to the process.
Tips to eliminate toxins
Toxins are substances harmful to our body that accumulate due to poor diet and leading an inappropriate lifestyle. These substances are non-biological and can cause multiple diseases. If our body is not able to eliminate them, the accumulation of toxins can cause cellular damage to organs and tissues.
The elimination of toxins from our body is extremely important if we want to maintain balanced vigor and health; Therefore, taking certain measures to ensure this stability is an excellent way to face existence. Here we show you some things you can do to carry out this procedure.
1- Follow a cleansing diet once a year that helps us eliminate accumulated toxins.
2. Maintain a healthy diet whose main protagonists are fruits and vegetables: due to their antioxidant qualities, they are the best foods to avoid the accumulation of toxins.
3. Eating a diet free of sugar, alcohol and fat two days a year can be a fantastic way to purify the body.
4. Taking rosemary or chicory infusions can be a great help so that our liver , in charge of filtering the blood, can eliminate toxins through urine.
If we followed these tips we could stay healthy and in good physical condition; being less prone to contracting diseases .