Definition of



Computer can be used as a synonym for computer.

Computer is a concept originating from the Latin ordinātor . As an adjective, the term refers to the one who orders . For example: "The traffic computer on this street is incompetent: the cars can barely move" , "Ask the file computer to look for folder 384" . In a similar sense, the computer is the head of an office or a payment organization.

In Spain , the notion of computer is used as a synonym for computer or computer . It is the electronic machine that facilitates data processing : "My father gave me a new computer so I can study with more tools" , "We have to call technical service: three computers have stopped working" , "I want to buy a basketball game for the computer .

Types of computers

Currently we can say that there are basically two main types of computers at the user level: desktops and laptops.

Those mentioned first are identified because they are located in a specific place in any room, from where they do not move ; They have a tower where the hardware and software are located, they have an individual screen and incorporate various peripherals such as a keyboard or a mouse. To all this we should add that they have advantages such as: greater storage capacity, they offer a great combination of features and price, they provide high quality audio or video editing and they are the best option for enjoying video games.

The second, laptop computers, as their name indicates, have the main benefit that they are lighter and smaller than the previous ones and that they can also be carried from one place to another with absolute comfort. It should also be noted that they can operate without the need to be connected to the electrical grid because they have batteries, which offer a wide variety of designs and colors, which can be found in a multitude of sizes and are the best option for people who, for their work, they have to travel constantly.

Taking this entire set of features into account, what we could say is that desktop computers are the best alternative for those looking for a powerful computer, while laptops are preferred by those who want to always carry a device of this type with them to work or to have fun.


A laptop can be moved from one place to another without difficulties.

The components

Computers are made up of various components and circuits that execute numerous sequences or routines of instructions that are indicated by the user. Programming is the process that consists of systematizing these sequences based on practical and specific applications.

Users interact with the computer through computer programs (the software ), which are responsible for providing specific data for data processing. The information may be used by the computer internally, or transferred to another computer or electronic device.

The architecture of personal computers is composed of an arithmetic and logic unit (called ALU for its acronym in English), a control unit, a memory (which stores information in units known as bits ) and input and output devices . .