Definition of


Cartesian axis

The ordinates are the vertical coordinates on a Cartesian axis.

Before determining the meaning of the term ordered , it is necessary that we proceed to analyze its etymological origin. In this sense, we can say that it emanates from Latin, from the word “ordinare”, which can be translated as “put in order” and is the result of the sum of “ordo” (order) and the suffix “-ar”.

Ordinate is a term used in geometry to name the vertical coordinate that is part of a Cartesian axis . The concept has its origins in ordinātae , a Latin word.

The ordinate, a vertical coordinate

Cartesian coordinates are lines parallel to a pair of axes that, drawn on a plane, are taken as a reference to indicate the location of a point in space. These points are marked on the coordinates , counting from the axes that are not parallel to these lines.

The ordinate is the Cartesian coordinate that develops vertically and, in the Cartesian system, is named and . The horizontal coordinate, on the other hand, is called the abscissa and is mentioned in the plane as x .

The intersection of the ordinate and the abscissa marks point 0 . Those points located to the right or up will correspond to positive real numbers , while those located to the left or down will be negative .

The concept in mathematics and computing

Within the field of mathematics the term ordered pair is also used. This is made up of two numbers and its objective is to represent a specific point within a coordinate plane or an equation.

In the same way, we have to say that within the field of computing we talk about so-called ordered lists . In the field of programming or web development, those are used that are lists of characteristics, references or instructions that are carried out following a certain logic.

Thus, for example, when presenting the operating instructions for an electrical item, it is necessary that they be listed correctly and in the stipulated order so that the consumer does not have any problem in being able to use it.


An orderly office is one in which organization is maintained at a general level.

Ordered or ordered as a result of an organization

The idea of ​​ordered or tidy, on the other hand, refers to something that maintains a certain organization or arrangement . For example: “If you want to find things more easily, you should keep the office tidy” , “The library is already organized: I arranged the books according to the literary genre” , “Make sure you have the house tidy in case Mr. Filkerson .

In the same way, we cannot forget the existence of what is known as an ordered person . This is someone who can be characterized because he likes that disorder does not reign in his house or because his life is very structured, subject to schedules and where improvisation does not exactly have a place.

To be organized in this last aspect, it is advisable to always maintain a routine, use an agenda, organize all outings...

The notion of “orderly life” , in this framework, is used to name a responsible existence , without excesses or behaviors that threaten health : “My grandfather always led an orderly life: he never drank alcohol or smoked.”