Definition of



The idea of ​​orb can refer to a sphere.

Orb is a term that comes from the Latin orbis . Its first meaning recognized by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to something round or circular . By extension, the concept of orb is used to name the world .

For example: «A survey assures that FC Barcelona is the most popular club in the world» , «Thanks to my management, the company began to sell its products in all corners of the world» , «The writer traveled much of the world during his adolescence and youth .

Orb like the Earth or a celestial body

The notion of orb is not only used with reference to the Earth , but can also be used to refer to a celestial body : "The ship was approaching an unknown orb when the communications system began to fail."

An orb can also be a symbol of Christianity that includes a representation of the planet and a cross on top. This image is present in jewelry, coins and various icons. Its meaning reflects that Jesus Christ (represented by the cross) is the supreme being that stands above humanity.

The term as a name in geography

Likewise, it is also interesting that we know that Orbe is the name of a commune in Switzerland. The canton of Vaud is where this town is located, with just over 6,500 inhabitants and which long ago belonged to the well-known District of Orbe, which disappeared in 2008.

All this without forgetting that in France, specifically in the department of Jura in Franche-Comté, there is a city that also has Orbe as its name.

But there is still more. Orbe is, likewise, one of the rivers of the French country. It is characterized by being approximately 70 kilometers long and running between it and Switzerland.

It is part of the Rhine basin, originating in Les Rousses, at 1,150 meters high and has its mouth in the Aar River, at 429 meters high. All this without forgetting that among its most significant tributaries are three: the Talent River, which is the most important; the Epoisats Stream and La Jougnena.


The spot that appears in a photo as a result of distortion caused by light is called an orb.

Orb: a fish and a type of spot

A type of fish with a spherical body is called an orb. It is part of the plectognath group and has spines that cover its body, which serve as a defense mechanism.

Known as an orb , on the other hand, are the spots that appear in photographic images as a result of distortion. With the appearance of a sphere, these lights are considered by some pseudosciences as energetic or spiritual manifestations, which would imply a supernatural fact.

a rock group

In the same way, we cannot ignore the fact that Orbe is also an alternative rock band, originally from Brazil. This group began its journey in 1996 and, despite different comings and goings, is still active.

An album titled "Aborto", recorded in 2010, is the album that the Rio musical group has for sale. Among his greatest hits are songs such as "Hereditario", "Porcos" or "Sempre esteve só".