Definition of

Coordinated prayer


The components of a coordinated sentence are linked through a coordination relationship.

A coordinated sentence is one whose components are united through a coordination relationship . This means that the elements do not have a grammatical dependence on each other , something that differentiates these sentences from those classified as subordinate.

Before moving forward with the analysis, it is necessary to clarify the etymological origin of the words that make up the concept. In both cases, it is of Latin origin: prayer derives from oratio , which can be translated as "speech" and which, in turn, emanates from the verb orare , which meant "to speak solemnly" ; coordinated , for its part, also has Latin roots and is equivalent to "having a certain order."

It should be noted that prayer is a word with a wide variety of uses. Within the context of grammar , sentences are terms or groupings of terms that have syntactic autonomy and that constitute a unit of meaning. Coordinated , for its part, is an adjective that refers to a type of link that different components maintain with each other. These elements, therefore, develop some type of coordination .

What is a coordinated sentence

It can be said, simplifying, that coordinated sentences are those whose components can still be understood if they are separated and form two new or different sentences. For example: "Ricardo plays soccer and Martín learns music" is a coordinated sentence, since "Ricardo plays soccer" can be understood as an independent sentence, the same as "Martín learns music." Both parts form the coordinated sentence through a conjunction ( "and") .

"It's late but we can still go to the party", "My leg hurts, but I'll play tonight.", «Juana did not pass the exam, so she will repeat the year» y "They already paid my salary so we can fix the washing machine" son otros ejemplos de oraciones coordinadas.


There are several kinds of coordinated sentences.

Classification according to type

According to the kind of link maintained by the propositions of coordinated sentences, they can be classified as disjunctive coordinated sentences , copulative coordinated sentences , distributive coordinated sentences and in other ways.

  • Disjunctive sentences . They are created using conjunctions such as "or" , "u" or "well" . They have the particularity that if one of their propositions is true, the other is false.
  • Copulative sentences . They are those that are formed by resorting to the use of conjunctions such as "and" , "e" , "in addition" , "nor" , "together with" ... It should also be noted that their propositions are sums, since the meaning of a comes to be added to that of the other.
  • Distributive sentences . They are identified because the propositions that give them shape express actions that are not exclusive but alternating. They resort to the use of various conjunctions such as "well... well" , "this... that" , "here... there", "sometimes... other times" ...

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of other types of coordinated sentences. Specifically, in addition to those already mentioned, there are adversatives , in which one proposition contradicts the other; or the explanatory ones, where one proposition is responsible for explaining the other.