Definition of



A sentence is a group of words that has syntactic autonomy.

From the Latin oratio , the concept of prayer has various uses. In grammar , this term refers to the word or set of words with syntactic autonomy. This means that it is a unit of meaning that expresses complete grammatical coherence. The sentence is the smallest possible syntactic constituent that can express a logical proposition.

When appearing in writing, sentences are delimited by the presence of a period . Therefore, the period marks the end of the sentence. In oral language, sentences can be separated according to pauses and lowering of the voice.

Classification methods

Sentences can be classified into two large groups, according to the attitude of the speaker and according to their syntactic structure.

According to the attitude of the speaker, the sentence can be declarative ( "Jorge arrived at five o'clock" ), exclamatory ( "I can't believe it!" ), interrogative ( "What did you say?" ), imperative ( " Get out of here right now ", doubtful ( "Maybe I'll get to the end of the matter" ) or wishful ( "I hope my father gets the job" ).

Regarding the syntactic structure, a sentence can be attributive , predicative , transitive , intransitive , active , passive , reflexive , reciprocal or passive reflex .

The classification of sentences is not limited to these groups. According to the verbal nuclei, for example, we can speak of simple , complex or compound sentences.

The grammatical sentence

Within a sentence there are various parts among which the subject can stand out, one of the essential elements for it to develop.

The subject, also called the noun phrase (NP), is the entity that organizes the entire sentence, connecting the various parts and must agree completely with the verb. To introduce a subject within a sentence, it does not take a preposition unless it is strictly necessary , as is the case of the following example, where said preposition functions as an adjacent: "Between Luís and I we will make the drawing."

I pray

The idea of ​​prayer can refer to a supplication.

The role of the subject

According to the grammatical relationship that exists, the subject can be grammatical (in which it must agree in person and number with the verb) or logical (present in indirect sentences. For example: "The city was conquered by Caesar", where Caesar is the logical subject and "city" is the grammatical subject.

On the other hand, according to its function, the subject can be an agent (the one who performs the action represented by the verb), patient (the one who receives the action expressed in the verb), pseudo-agent (at first glance it is an agent but in reality it is patient. For example: Juan fixed the motorcycle in the workshop; in reality the person who fixed it was the mechanic) or causative (he is responsible for an action but not the one who performs it. For example: "Louis XIV built the Palace"; he did not build it). He instead ordered it to be built.

In turn, depending on its formation, the subject can be complex (when it carries some clarification or apposition. For example: "Pedro, the first person's neighbor, is my friend") and multiple (when it has more than one nucleus, as in the sentence "Carmen and José are friends").

It is worth mentioning that appositions can be explanatory , when they add some explanation that if not expressed does not make the sentence lose meaning, or specific , which is extremely relevant to understanding the relationship between the subject and the rest of the components of the sentence. prayer. In the first case, said apposition goes between commas and in the second, without a pause.

Prayer in religion

In another sense, a prayer is a supplication , a request or a praise made to God or the saints.

Prayer can be part of a religious rite, as in the case of the Christian mass.