Definition of



A pamphlet is a printed work of reduced length.

Pamphlet is a term that comes from the Latin word opusculum , which is the diminutive of opus . Just as opus can be translated as “work” , a pamphlet is a literary or scientific creation that is of a reduced length .

For example: “The German sociologist surprised the scientific community in his country with a pamphlet in which he analyses the supposed link between crime and video games” , “I barely managed to publish a couple of economic pamphlets in my country and then I emigrated to Europe thanks to a contract offered to me by the World Bank” , “We cannot make today's political decisions based on the pamphlet of a military man who lived more than a century ago” .

The pamphlet as a treatise or brochure

The pamphlet can be classified as a treatise within the genre of literature known as a treatise . Treatises are educational publications that present, objectively and in a certain order, various pieces of knowledge on a specific topic. According to their length, treatises can be classified in different ways: pamphlets are short treatises.

In some countries, on the other hand, the notion of a pamphlet is associated with the idea of ​​a brochure . This term is used to name the corporate presentation of a company , which usually includes various types of brochures. The pamphlet, in this sense, is a publication that presents the main characteristics of a company or a product, mentioning its values, advantages, etc. The purpose of the pamphlet is to transmit, with few words and images, a specific message about a company or a commercial proposal.

This type of brochure can be presented in three types: diptychs , triptychs and quadriptychs , composed of two, three and four parts, respectively. It is worth mentioning that the most popular when promoting products and services is the triptych, a term that by itself is also used as a synonym for brochure.


The pamphlet is usually part of the brochure.

Its functions

Regarding their functions, we distinguish the following three:

  • Informative : the pamphlet is very often used with the aim of informing the public about one or more aspects of a company, as well as to disseminate findings from research work.
  • Advertising : when its purpose is to promote products and services , seeking the most attractive and impactful way to present them.
  • Identity : It is part of the series of elements that make up and sustain the image of a company in front of others and the public.

Design of a pamphlet

When designing a brochure for a company , it is very important to take into account these possible functions, in order to choose the one that can benefit us the most. Throughout the life of a company, it is normal for many brochures to be produced, each with its well-defined objectives, and to obtain the best results, we must begin by making the most of the resources and possibilities that this type of document can offer us.

Once we have identified the character we wish to give to our brochure, the function we want to be the main one, we must make sure not to leave out the other two: if, for example, we wish to advertise a new service, it is not a bad idea to remind readers what makes us unmistakable compared to the competition (identity function) and what our most recent advances have been in the fields of research and development (informative function). Let us not forget that the public's loyalty is not eternal and that it must be nurtured through tireless and constant work of promotion and incentives.

Having carefully thought out and defined the content of the pamphlet, it is time to work on the graphic section. This type of document relies heavily on the visual aspect to generate a positive impact on readers, unlike a book of narrative or poetry, in which the aesthetics of the publication and the presence of illustrations should not affect the perception of the works.