Definition of



Opulence is associated with wealth.

Opulence is a term that comes from the Latin language ( opulentia ) and refers to fortune or a large wealth of certain resources . He or she who enjoys opulence is called opulent .

For example: “For years we have lived in opulence: now we must get used to scarcity” , “The opulence that the city enjoys thanks to oil revenues is undeniable” , “I don't need to live in opulence to be happy” .

Opulence as material wealth

Opulence, therefore, is associated with material wealth . Having a large amount of money or property makes a person live in opulence, since they have a surplus of resources. This means that someone who is opulent can part with various goods without becoming poor and without suffering from unsatisfied needs. In other words: opulence means having more than you need.

Opulence can be estimated on a personal or social level. A country or a region has opulence when it ensures that none of its inhabitants suffer from material deprivation. The theory indicates that an opulent area has resources to distribute and distribute among all people, although in practice this does not usually materialize. Economic policy is responsible for guaranteeing a fair and efficient distribution of resources.


Those who live in opulence have many resources.

The availability of resources

Opulence is a situation that is closer to theory than to practice, a concept that if it were possible to carry out in all the countries of the world, it would end most of humanity's problems and that would allow more development. even and fair of our kind. Although, given that there are no references to such a reality at any point in history, it is also possible that the absence of material shortages worldwide caused more destruction than we can imagine.

We have ample evidence that human beings tend to waste resources, either due to lack of information or excessive ambition. We are the only species that seems to need the scarcity of some to maintain balance, the suffering of billions for the tranquility of a few thousand. In short, the opulence of a country or, even more, of the entire planet could be achieved in the blink of an eye, if it were really the goal of our species.

A football club, for its part, can access opulence if it manages to sell several of its players for a lot of money. Transforming this circumstantial opulence into wealth that is maintained over time will be the responsibility of its leaders.

Etymology of the term opulence

Delving deeper into the etymology of the word opulence, we can determine that the suffix present both in its Latin root and in the current Spanish word is – ia , which was originally joined to the adjective opulentus (which can be translated as rich ), which in turn derived from ops (the genitive of the term opis , which means resources, abundance, strength, wealth ) and the suffix – ulentus , corresponding to abundance .

The term ops , for its part, is present in such common words in current Spanish as optimism, copious and copy. Regarding the suffix – ulentus , we inherit it as -ulent and we find it in terms such as fraudulent, succulent, virulent, corpulent and truculent, all concepts that denote abundance or the nature of something or someone. Finally, the suffix -ia , for quality, makes up words that are part of everyday speech, such as victory and mercy.

As a curious fact of the scope that the concept of opulence has come to have, although not always through the use of the term in its definitive form, an ancient Roman goddess of worship in the Capitol received the name Ops , since she personified resources and wealth. agricultural.