Ounce is a concept that can have different etymological origins. When the term derives from the Latin uncĭa , it is used as a certain weight or as a specific portion of something. Specifically, in the latter case it derives from a Latin word that can be translated as "one of the twelve parts into which a Roman pound is divided."
As a unit of mass , the most commonly used ounce is equivalent to 28.7 grams . This weight arises from dividing the pound into sixteen equal parts: each of them is one ounce.
Another type of ounce is known as the troy ounce , used to weigh metals . In this case, the ounce is equivalent to 31.1 grams .
We also commonly use the term ounce in another sense. Specifically, we use it to refer to each of the portions that make up a chocolate bar. An example of this is: “I can't resist eating an ounce of chocolate.”
The ounce as a unit of volume
The ounce can also be used as a unit of volume to measure a liquid. Differences also arise here, since the North American fluid ounce is not equal to the British fluid ounce .
For Americans, an ounce is equivalent to 29.57 milliliters while, for British people, it is equivalent to 28.41 milliliters . The notion of an ounce is common in the field of cocktails .
Different types of felines
We said at the beginning of this article that ounce can have different etymological roots. If it comes from the Latin word lynx , an ounce is a mammalian animal . It is a feline that can belong to two different species: the snow leopard that resides in Asia is known as the ounce and also the jaguarundí or jaguarundí , a type of puma that lives on the American continent.
There is also what is known as an ounce cat . This is a mammal that is found in various corners of the world such as Argentina or certain parts of the United States . It is identified by measuring around one and a half meters as well as having black ears ending in white spikes. It also has a yellow color, stripes and a ring-shaped tail. It should not be overlooked either that throughout its entire body it has different black moles.
The Island of Onza
Onza Island , finally, is a small island territory belonging to Spain that is part of a Galician national park. Specifically, the province of Pontevedra is where this town is located, forming an archipelago next to the famous Ons Island . Its highest peak reaches 68 meters and this place is known because it has the curious shape of a swimming whale.
It should be noted that it has a very steep coast and, although it is not very rich in vegetation, it is rich in terms of birds. Especially important for seabirds is this Onza Island , which is part of the well-known National Park of the Atlantic Islands .