Definition of

Russian waves

Russian wavesA type of aesthetic and rehabilitation treatment that consists of electrostimulation of the nerve terminals of the muscles is known as Russian waves . For this, external equipment is used that is responsible for stimulation through electrical impulses .

With a Russian wave treatment, the muscle mass is managed to contract rhythmically. In this way, those who promote the system claim, localized muscle work can be developed effortlessly.

A sedentary lifestyle and the passage of time cause the muscles to lose firmness and, as a consequence, the person begins to notice a decrease in their agility and strength. This creates a vicious circle: a sedentary lifestyle leads to loss of strength, and this loss of strength undermines physical activity. Russian waves aim to break this cycle, returning firmness and toning to the muscles.

By stimulating the nerve terminals with electrical impulses, which support the promoters of the Russian waves, the functioning of the circulatory system and the lymphatic system is improved, promoting circulation and minimizing fluid retention.

Among the effects attributed to Russian waves, the elimination of toxins and the additional supply of oxygen are mentioned. Thanks to their benefits, Russian waves would improve the appearance of cellulite and reverse muscle sagging. Let's see below some of the most important benefits of applying Russian waves to our body:

* toning and lifting the glutes. This is especially important after a certain age, for both men and women, since all our muscles lose firmness and our skin begins to "fall off." Although there are those who accept these signs of aging without problem, there are also those who want to reverse them to extend youth;

* toning of arms, legs and abdomen . This point goes hand in hand with the previous one, although it is true that not all people exhibit an even loss of tone in all parts of the body. Furthermore, since treatments with Russian waves can have a high price for certain budgets, it is good to have the possibility of choosing the area of ​​the body on which we want to focus at all times;

* elimination of fluid retention. For many people, this problem never arises. However, for others it is one that can make their daily activities difficult. Simply put, it is a swelling that occurs when excess fluid accumulates in a certain part of the body. In the worst cases it can arise as a consequence of kidney, liver or heart diseases ;

Russian waves* improved circulation. As we age, our circulatory system goes through deterioration, as does the rest of the body . Although some people have circulation problems throughout their lives, in many cases they only appear in old age. A sedentary lifestyle can also enter a vicious circle with this disorder, and that is why it is necessary to treat it;

* elimination of toxins. Some of them are really dangerous for health, not only because of their action but because they are difficult to perceive. Russian airwaves can collaborate in this fight in a very effective way.

As for the device for applying Russian waves, it is a machine equipped with electrodes that allow electrostimulation. These electrodes cover numerous muscle fibers, enabling the rhythmic contraction of the muscle mass.

Russian waves also have their contraindications. For example, if applied in excess they can cause loss of sleep due to excitement above normal. Another possible unwanted effect is muscle pain for several days.