Definition of


Craft work

There are jobs that require talent to carry out.

Craft , from the Latin officium , is a commonly held occupation or the profession of someone who carries out some art mechanically . The term is usually used to refer to that work activity that does not require formal studies .

For example: "I am a painter, the same profession that my father had" , "If you don't want to go to university, at least learn a profession that will allow you to get a job and earn money " , "Pablo has a dark future ahead of him" "Without a trade or profession, you will never have a job."

Characteristics of the jobs

A trade does not usually require the development of an academic career nor does it require formal learning of a discipline, although there are training and training options for the acquisition of the necessary techniques (from a school or a technical education institute to a vocational training center). Generally, craft consists of a task that must be performed with a certain skill or skill.

This aptitude is usually acquired through experience . Procedures and methods are learned and perfected with practice, as is the use of certain equipment, instruments or tools that may be important in the process.

Due to these characteristics, it is common for the idea of ​​a trade to be linked to manual work and crafts . Carpentry, for example, is a trade. In any case, someone who works in an industry can have their activity as a trade (operating a machine, to mention one possibility).


Many times there is no regulation for the exercise of a trade.

The certification

Certification of knowledge is not usually essential in a trade. Typically, it can be practiced without a license or membership: accreditation of suitability is demonstrated through performance in one's job.

Beyond this issue, there are different frameworks and instances that contribute to the organization of the sector and give it formality. Workers can join a union or an association that defends their interests and carries out different actions so that members reach a certain level of recognition.

In some cases, an activity navigates between trade and profession. This happens with journalism , which can be studied at a tertiary or even university level, although an academic degree is not necessary for its practice. In this context, someone can have a higher technical degree or a degree in Journalism and yet publish in a newspaper or magazine an article with grammatical, syntactic, stylistic or even ethical flaws. In turn, a professional journalist, without tertiary or university training, is likely to carry out the same task with mastery or demonstrate his ability through a blog or podcast of his authorship, generating his own source of employment.


Wood is the material with which those who have carpentry as a trade work.

divine office

The prayer performed by Christian priests is known as the divine office , which is made up of different hymns, psalms and antiphons, among other parts, that form a well-defined structure .

Much of its content is taken from the Bible , so that by reading and studying it, believers communicate with God using their own words. This causes him to understand them while allowing them to get closer to his Mystery .

A written communication

An official letter is, on the other hand, a written communication that is usually linked to the affairs of public administrations. It is a document that allows you to communicate provisions, open queries or carry out different procedures.

Government ministries, embassies, professional associations and unions are some of the institutions that appeal to the trades to issue certain statements.

A letter usually begins with a letterhead, information about the place and date, the numbering of the document, its recipient, the subject and the reference. Next appears the text or body of the letter, which will be the central part of the document and will include the message that motivates the communication.

Finally, the farewell, the signature and the post-signature are included (with the name and surname of the person signing, their position and their seal).

Types of work

It is possible to distinguish between different types of jobs. A multiple letter is one that is addressed to more than one recipient, since the aim is to communicate the same text to different people or entities.

The transcription document , meanwhile, is a document that allows issuing resolutions, directives or circulars of the same document.

A type of administrative or judicial action

The expression "ex officio" , on the other hand, is used to describe an action and gives it the meaning of diligence or procedure of a judicial or administrative nature that begins without the activity being necessary for the interested party, that is, it is not considered at the request of a party.

A typical ex officio action is one carried out by the police when they become aware of an event that constitutes a crime and make the decision to begin a criminal investigation . It can also occur when the public prosecutor or the judge initiates a summary, investigation or investigation process without there having been a complaint or complaint. This belongs to the bases of criminal procedural law.

Another relatively common case of ex officio action occurs when the judge requires a procedure, applies legal reasoning or suggests the use of evidence that has not been requested, invoked or provided by any of the parties . The law must regulate the possibility of this remedy and is usually different between civil and criminal law.

Characteristics of the ex officio performance

Among the most notable characteristics of an ex officio performance we can mention the following:

  • It must be carried out by a public body.
  • Said public body must carry it out without any party having previously requested it, and always staying within the scope of its powers.
  • In almost all cases, it is a power of this type of organisms, meaning that not only can they make use of it but they have the obligation to do so.