Definition of


motorcycle odometer

Odometers began as a common component of motor vehicles

An odometer is a device used for measuring distances . The etymological origin of the term is found in the Greek word hodómetron , formed in turn by hodós (which can be translated as “way” ) and metron (translatable as “that measures” ).

General characteristics

Odometers, therefore, are instruments that reveal a distance traveled . According to needs and specific use, they can display information in meters , kilometers and other units.

Cars have partial odometers (which count the kilometers since they were set to 0) and/or total odometers (which reflect the kilometers traveled by the vehicle since its manufacture). These are mechanical devices that, by counting the turns of a wheel , calculate the distance and display it on an analog or digital panel.

Thanks to the odometer it is possible to generate information on fuel consumption, for example. It also provides data that can be used to infer the wear and tear of the car that is associated with the kilometers traveled.

Types of odometers

Beyond the classification explained above, which distinguishes partial odometers from total odometers, if we think only of the technology on which it is based, we can speak of two large groups: mechanical and digital . In this case, the difference is not necessarily in the type of information that each one gives us, but in reliability and technical needs.

Both measure the distance traveled by the vehicle, which can be a car, a bicycle or a motorcycle, among others, but their components and operation are different. The mechanical odometer is made up of gears that rotate in conjunction with the wheels. It is important to clarify that the same mechanical odometer cannot be installed in the same way on two vehicles with wheels of different diameters, since this affects the distance advanced per complete rotation of the gear.

In other words, the diameter of the wheel is directly proportional to the distance it travels each time it rotates 360 degrees. Therefore the odometer must be configured to return the correct values. One of its advantages is that it does not require electronic components or electricity for its operation ; In fact, it is the oldest type of odometer. On the other hand, its biggest disadvantage is that it can be altered more easily.

The digital odometer is completely different in its composition and technology, and also offers greater security against fraud. It is common to come across second-hand cars whose odometers have been illegally altered to reflect a distance traveled much less than the actual distance traveled.

Other meanings

The taximeter is also mentioned as an odometer: the device that, in a rental car, reveals the distance traveled and the amount the user must pay for said trip . These odometers are usually visible from the back seat.

pedometer odometer

Most modern watches include pedometers

On the other hand, an odometer can be a pedometer . This is the name of the element that a person carries with them to count the number of steps they take and the distance they walked. Pedometers are very useful for those who train and exercise, although they are also valuable for measuring daily activity.

Since its appearance on the market, this type of odometer has achieved great popularity, especially because people are increasingly aware of the importance of doing physical exercise. Furthermore, since this device is included in most modern watches , which in turn offer another series of useful data for athletes, it does not take up space or interfere with activities. If the doctor recommends walking 2 kilometers a day, we can be sure to measure this distance accurately.