Definition of



The oculist is the health professional specialized in the treatment of disorders that affect the eye.

An eye doctor is a professional who specializes in vision disorders. The term is used synonymously with ophthalmologist , which is the specialist in ophthalmology . This concept, for its part, is specifically associated with pathologies linked to diseases that can develop in the eyes .

You have to go to Latin to find the etymological origin of the term oculist. And it is the result of the union of two words from that language: the noun oculus, which is synonymous with “eye ”; and the suffix -ista , used to indicate profession .

Role of the eye doctor

When a person experiences problems with their eyesight or feels discomfort in their eyes, therefore, they should go to the eye doctor. For example: “Tomorrow I have an appointment with the eye doctor,” “I'm going to have to take Brenda to the eye doctor: she says her vision is somewhat cloudy,” “The eye doctor recommended that I use some drops to prevent dry eyes.”

The problems that the eye doctor treats may appear in the eyeball, tear ducts, muscles in the area or on the eyelids. Some diseases require the administration of drugs , while others must be treated with a surgical operation . The use of glasses and lenses is also necessary to correct vision problems and prevent the progression of diseases.

Eye problems

There are numerous and varied problems that affect the eyes. Among the most frequent are the following:

  • Myopia . This disorder is common in a large part of the population, who can see close objects well but cannot distinguish distant ones.
  • Cataracts . Pathology that is identified because the lens becomes cloudy.
  • Macular degeneration , which occurs as a result of the passage of time and affects central vision.
Eye care

The eye doctor can carry out various types of interventions.

From eye doctor to optometrist

The oculist, when indicating which glasses are necessary for each person, performs an analysis of the eyes with optical instruments that allow him or her to know what prescription the person should have in their glasses.

The specialty aimed at designing, developing and fitting lenses is known as optometry . The optometrist , therefore, is the one who prescribes the lenses that a person uses to correct vision disorders such as astigmatism or the aforementioned myopia , to name two of the most frequent.

The work of Mohamed Al-Gafequi

One of the oldest known oculists who is already part of history is Mohamed Al-Gafequi , popularly known as Al-Gafequi oculist . Of Andalusian origin and born in the Cordoba town of Torrecampo , in the 12th century he marked several important milestones within the vision sector:

  • He carried out an interesting treatise on ophthalmology entitled “The Oculist's Guide” , which has been studied by generations and generations. It is currently part of the collections of the prestigious library of the Madrid Monastery of El Escorial .
  • He eventually became an expert in cataract operations.

A reference of his time, Al-Gafequi currently has a bust in his honor in the city of Córdoba .