Definition of



Sydney is one of the main cities in Oceania.

Oceania is the continent with the smallest surface area of ​​all. It is located in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and is made up of Australia , New Zealand and various archipelagos.

The first human settlements in Oceania were formed by the arrival of individuals from the Asian continent. From that migration, the native ethnic groups emerged that populated and still populate the oceanic territory.

The Tu»i Tonga empire was one of the most relevant in ancient times on this continent. Its dominion began around the year 950 and extended until the advance of European colonization. The largest countries in Oceania , such as Australia and New Zealand , achieved independence in the early 20th century , while smaller nations (such as Tonga , Fiji , Tuvalu , and many others) had to wait until at least the 1960s. .

Features of Oceania

Oceania develops between the southeastern region of Asia and America on the Pacific Ocean , occupying an area of ​​just over nine million square kilometers. Experts, however, still debate which territories should be considered part of the continent.

Most of Oceania is arid and desert. It is possible to find, however, some mountains over 2,000 meters high and beautiful beaches that constitute an important tourist attraction.

Among the most outstanding characteristics of Oceania that are known worldwide, the Maori culture stands out (with its dance known as haka ), the good level of several local rugby teams and the large presence of kangaroos .


Many tourists travel to Oceania to see the beaches of Polynesia.

Main tourist destinations


It is a volcanic island where exotic nature and impressive landscapes abound. It is located in French Polynesia , just 17 kilometers from Tahiti . Its original name, Aimeho , can be translated as "refuge" . Thanks to its geography, which has the presence of mountains, slopes and bays, it is possible to carry out outdoor activities such as hiking and adventure sports, while admiring the beautiful landscapes from some of its viewpoints. As a curious fact, it is highly chosen by newlywed couples to spend their honeymoon.


It is a city located in New Zealand that is characterized by offering a perfect combination of winter and summer landscapes, both with unparalleled beauty. It is the destination par excellence for lovers of adventure sports and one of the most impressive settings in Oceania (we must not forget that New Zealand is often the country in which films whose stories take place in imaginary worlds, such as It happened with the saga of "The Lord of the Rings" ). Queenstown offers long-lasting hot summers and snowy mountain winters, the ideal recipe for an unforgettable adventure.


In Sydney ( Australia ) is the Opera House , one of the most famous theaters in the world. Declared a World Heritage Site in 2007 , its design began in the mid -20th century , but it finally opened its doors on October 20, 1973 . Among the genres represented on its stages are ballet, drama and opera . It is worth mentioning that one of the most important figures associated with this theater was none other than Joan Sutherland , one of the most celebrated sopranos of all time; This tireless opera star was responsible for reviving some works that had been forgotten.


The islands of Polynesia are considered by many to be a little piece of paradise on Earth. Its landscapes are of exceptional beauty and also have a cultural wealth that attracts thousands of people every year. As expected in a tourist destination in Oceania , the mountains, vegetation and the sea are combined with blue skies and an air filled with mysticism that invites rest as well as adventure.