Definition of


Bridge obstruction in construction

A bridge repair usually results in a traffic obstruction

The Latin word obstructio came into our language as obstruction . This is what the act and result of obstructing or obstructing is called.

Block progress

The verb obstruct, meanwhile, refers to blocking or stopping the passage or development of something . When an element becomes obstructed, it is covered or closed.

For example: "The work on the bridge will cause a partial obstruction of traffic for several weeks" , "As soon as I noticed that there was a blockage in the pipe , I called a specialist" , "Asthma can cause airway obstruction » .

In the first example we see a relatively normal situation: a bridge must be repaired or expanded, among other possibilities, and to do so it is necessary to interrupt the passage of vehicles . The main objective is to avoid accidents. The second tells us about a blockage in a tube, something also very common in the connections that allow the passage of drinking water.

Finally we have a sentence in which the obstruction is really serious, because it occurs as a consequence of asthma and prevents the affected person from breathing normally. This disease has a relatively low mortality rate, but it is not negligible.

Physical or symbolic obstruction

It is important to note that obstruction may involve a physical or symbolic blockage . The obstruction of an artery , to mention one case, means that there is something specific that blocks the blood vessel (clots, plaques, etc.). The obstruction of a project , on the other hand, can occur due to an attitude or a decision that prevents its progress.

In the previous examples you can see this possibility: every process, physical or symbolic, is understood as a series of events that happen one after another, as if it were advancing along a defined path . Therefore, given that the concept of obstruction represents any obstacle to the correct passage of a path, it is possible to give it a material or figurative meaning, without this posing greater difficulty in its understanding.

for medicine

In the field of medicine , we speak of obstruction when there is an obstruction that makes the passage of substances through a body passage difficult or impossible . An intestinal obstruction , in this framework, is a disorder that does not allow the adequate transit of the products resulting from digestion. A stone, polyp, tumor, or infection can cause an intestinal blockage. Obstruction of the seminal ducts , on the other hand, stops the sperm from reaching the outside.

Since there are many types of obstructions that can negatively affect our body, there are also many causes. Broadly speaking, we can affirm that bad habits are usually the main causes of any health problem. Whether it is tobacco consumption, a diet focused on saturated fats or a lack of physical exercise, our body's ducts await a healthy routine and a natural diet to process all its fluids correctly.

Circulatory system obstruction

Tobacco and poor diet cause blockages in blood flow

In politics

In the political sphere, an obstruction is a strategy that seeks to hinder an agreement in a deliberative body . In this way it is possible to delay or directly prevent a law from being approved in a parliamentary assembly.

This type of obstruction can be carried out for different reasons, and the perpetrators do not always have bad intentions. It all depends on the case and the reason why someone wants a particular process not to be completed, or to be delayed. A party that creates an obstacle to make its competition look bad is not the same as an obstruction with the purpose of buying time to overthrow a corrupt president, for example.