Definition of



Objects can be work instruments, elements that allow daily activities to be carried out, etc.

Object is a term typical of the Spanish language that has, in practice, a large number of uses, interpretations and applications. It is synonymous with thing, product and element, in addition to being able to be used to refer through it to a purpose or objective .

It is used, in the same way, in the grammatical field in order to describe both the direct and the indirect object , while in astronomy it is found in notions such as astronomical object . UFO , meanwhile, is an acronym that is composed of the expression “unidentified flying object.” Specialists in scientific issues, for their part, usually establish an object of study when researching a particular topic or issue.

Object classification

Objects are classified according to the material used for their production, their function or utility , the value they have, the useful life they have, the category to which they belong and their origin , among other variables.

Texture , size and design also come into play when making a description or categorization.

It is enough to observe each piece of a home, an academic institution or even a public space to verify that there are large and small objects ; artisanal and industrial; plastic, wood, ceramic or metal objects , among others; objects for daily use and other luxury objects reserved for special occasions and of an exclusive nature, heavy and light objects , objects from national industry and creations from abroad, etc.

Nor should we overlook that professionals in various areas use specific objects with specific purposes to carry out their tasks. Inside an operating room, to describe a case as a reference, there are elements such as surgical forceps, needles, surgical scissors and scalpels intended for surgical interventions. Different products are used by chefs, who use rolling pins, pots, measuring cups, whisks, tableware, boards, knives, oven plates and graters to prepare sweet, salty or sweet and sour delicacies.

In the commercial circuit, in addition, there are options for every budget, intention, recipient and need: objects that are cheaper than others, recycled and disposable objects, antique and modern objects , children's objects and objects aimed at adults...


Ornamental objects serve to beautify and decorate all kinds of spaces.

Collecting and display

An enormous variety of objects is taken into account, on the one hand, for collecting purposes, as well as other elements that nourish samples and exhibitions.

A work of art , that is, a physical creation with conceptual relevance or aesthetic value as is the case with paintings , drawings and sculptures , can be exhibited within the framework of a cultural display.

Drink bottles of multiple origins, periods and brands, to detail another possibility, are preserved in private environments or museums because they are interpreted as collectible objects .

The history, roots and customs of a people, on the other hand, are frequently reflected in traditional, archaic and ceremonial objects . Archaeological excavations have made it possible to recover, in different corners of the planet, pieces of enormous antiquity that knew how to serve as tools, ornaments or utensils for different communities.

A large number of items, on the other hand, are stored in physical places in a home because they are associated with memories and have sentimental value. A little medal that belonged to a grandmother, the car that the father figure of the clan knew how to drive, a son's first toys, a soccer jersey that a player, after a match, gave to a member of the household who keeps the item. , the kitchen apron inherited from a mother, an object representative of a deceased uncle...Each one keeps what connects him with a pleasant past and invites him to reconstruct and keep the family history present, honored.


There are fundamental objects (such as spoons, forks, trays, plates, knives and boards) that guarantee the conservation, proper handling and cooking of edible products.

modern objects

The advancement of technology has revolutionized many fields and disciplines with original, innovative and modern objects that optimize operations, shorten work time and simplify procedures or dynamics.

For example, there is an immense range of technological devices , some more sophisticated than others, just as interesting and innovative devices are coming to light in the field of household appliances .

Smart objects (such as smartphones and watches popularly known as smartwatches ) and practical gadgets that set trends especially among younger consumers have begun to be manufactured for some time. Although many older adults are encouraged to update themselves and add resources that keep them active and motivated (they learn to master a computer, learn to use social networks, carry out procedures online independently and use the mobile phone daily), there are other elderly individuals who, accustomed to other realities and eras, continue clinging to objects that are already out of fashion or that have been renewed with avant-garde versions to captivate the youngest, such as typewriters or sewing machines, the landline , tube televisions and books published on paper.