Definition of


The etymological origin of the term bishop that concerns us now is found in Greek. Specifically, it emanates from the word “episkopos”, which can be translated as “supervisor” and which is the result of the sum of two lexical components of said language:

-The prefix “epi-”, which is equivalent to “over” or “above”.

-The noun “scopus”, which is used to indicate “observer”. A word that, in turn, emanates from the verb “skopein”, which is synonymous with “observe” and “look”.

Bishop is a term used in our language to refer to the ecclesiastical superior of a Catholic diocese .

BishopA bishop, therefore, is a priest who was conferred with the first degree of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. This is the prelate who supervises the priests of a certain region.

According to the Catholic Church and other cults, the apostles ordained the first bishops and that succession developed uninterruptedly until today. The current bishops, therefore, follow a line whose origins go back to the apostles: they are their successors .

Catholic bishops, who use the pastoral crosier and miter in certain ceremonies, are responsible for the direction of a diocese . The main church of a diocese is called the cathedral , which is where the bishop has his chair.

In addition to all of the above, it must be established that a bishop's daily wardrobe consists of a black cassock, purple skullcap, and purple sash. However, his choral habit consists of a purple skullcap, purple sash, purple biretta and purple cassock with gold buttons.

According to Canon Law, in order to be elected bishop, a priest must meet a series of important requirements, such as these:

-You must be at least 35 years old.

-You have to have a good reputation.

-You must have been ordained a priest at least five years previously.

-It is essential that you have a degree or doctorate in Theology, Canon Law or the Holy Scriptures.

-Likewise, it is established that you must have qualities such as piety, good customs, prudence as well as having great firmness in your faith, among other things.

All those characteristics that will be taken into account by the Pope to determine whether or not that priest has the suitability to become a bishop.

The diocesan bishop or ordinary bishop is one who exercises his pastoral function with all the powers. To carry out its work it has the support of coadjutor bishops and auxiliary bishops . It may also have the collaboration of titular bishops , who lack responsibility for a specific territory and are officials of the Holy See .

It should be noted that the Pope , in addition to being the highest authority of the Catholic Church , is the bishop of Rome . Therefore that is one of the dignities of Francis .

According to the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), finally, a fish that is part of the rayid suborder is also called bishop.