Definition of

Whole numbers


Whole numbers do not have a decimal part.

Numbers are signs or sets of signs that allow expressing a quantity in relation to its unit. The concept comes from the Latin numĕrus and makes possible various classifications that give rise to sets such as natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4...), rational numbers and others.

Integers include natural numbers (those used to count the elements of a set), including zero and negative numbers (which are the result of subtracting a larger natural number from a natural number). Therefore, integers are those that do not have a decimal part (that is, 3.28, for example, is not an integer).

Uses of integers

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the fact that integers also serve to establish the height of a monument or a natural element. Thus, for example, we can say that Mulhacén is the highest peak that exists in the Iberian Peninsula since it is located 3,478 meters above sea level while Teide is the highest in Spain, reaching 3,718 meters.

Negative integers have various practical applications. With them you can indicate a temperature below zero ( “At the moment, the temperature in Bariloche is -10º” ) or a depth below sea level ( “The sunken ship was found at -135 meters” ).

It should be noted that the notion of integers was established since they are numbers that allow us to represent non-divisible units, such as a person or a country (you cannot say “4.2 people live in my house” or “The next world championship will have the participation of 24.69 countries” ). Numbers with decimals, on the other hand, can indicate divisible units.


In roulette we find whole numbers.

Mathematical operations

It is important to keep in mind that integers are the result of the most basic operations ( addition and subtraction ), which is why their use dates back to ancient times. Hindu mathematicians of the 6th century already postulated the existence of negative numbers.

In the same way, we cannot ignore the fact that we can also carry out multiplication tasks with so-called integers. In this case it is important to emphasize that the determination must be made, on the one hand, of the signs of the numbers that participate in the operation and, on the other hand, of the product of the absolute values.

Thus, in the first case, in that of signs, a series of rules must be highlighted that must be taken into account. In such a way that + times + is equal to +; – for – is equal to +; + for – is equal to -; and – for + is equal to -.

Examples to understand these rules can be the following: +5 x +6= +30; -8 x -2= +16; +4 x -2= -8; -6 x +3= – 18.

In terms of multiplication, it must also be emphasized that there are various properties such as associative, distributive or commutative.