Definition of



Numbers express a quantity in relation to their unit.

From the Latin numĕrus , the term number refers to the expression of a quantity in relation to its unit . It is, therefore, a sign or a set of signs. One (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9) and zero (0) are the natural numbers . In any case, it should be noted that some mathematicians do not consider zero among the natural numbers.

The set of integers consists of natural numbers and negative numbers (-1, -2, -3, etc.). Number theory recognizes other classifications, such as prime numbers (the natural number that has only two divisors: itself and one) and rational numbers (which can be represented as the quotient of two integers that have a denominator other than zero).

Roman numerals

In addition to all this, we find a wide variety of other numbers. Thus, we can also refer to the so-called Roman numerals, which are those that form the numbering system created during Ancient Rome and which are specifically capital letters that represent different quantities.

Thus, for example, V is equivalent to the number 5, L corresponds to 50, D has a value of 500, M is equal to 1000 and X corresponds to 10.

Other types

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of the so-called ordinal numbers, which are used to establish a well-ordered set, to give order to a specific sequence. In this way, we would have: first, second, third, fourth...

In contrast to the latter are the so-called cardinal numbers, which are basically used for counting. These include 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.


Calculations can be made with numbers.

In addition to all these numbers, we can also talk about Arabic numbers, which are those that belong to the Arabic numbering system, or fractional numbers, which are those that we identify as fractions. An example of the latter case would be 2/3.

To all this we must add the fact that there are a series of numbers that are considered to contain mysteries or that are related to a very specific element. Thus, for example, 666 is associated with Satan, as is evident in the Apocalypse of the New Testament.

Numbers in colloquial language and in the Bible

On the other hand, a number is known as a quantity of people or things ( "The spectators came in great numbers" ); the successive editions of a periodical publication ( "The next issue of the magazine will have 150 pages" ); and the parts or acts of a show ( "The clown's act was the funniest" ).

A lottery or raffle ticket is also known as a number: "If my number is drawn, I'll buy a new car."

Finally, it should be noted that Numbers is a book of the Bible that is part of the Old Testament , between Leviticus and Deuteronomy . Belonging to the Pentateuch , Numbers is attributed to Moses and is believed to have been written around 1,300 BC .