Definition of



It can be said that news is novelty.

Derived from the Latin notitĭa , the concept of news gives its name to the content of information that has never been communicated before. In other words, the news constitutes knowledge or new knowledge .

In the mass media, news is understood as a text or testimony that allows the public to be aware of a novel, recent or unusual episode that has developed in a specific community or in a particular context, which merits its dissemination.

An example to understand this meaning could be this: "The country's public television gave magnificent news to its viewers and that it had managed to overcome the state of economic crisis that had convulsed the nation for several years."

News in the journalistic field

In this way, the news is a journalistic fact that forces reality to be cut when something deserves to be disseminated due to its social relevance . The structure of a news story must be organized and completed based on basic questions such as "who?" , "that?" , "when?" , "where?" , "because?" , "so that?" and how?" .

Among the main particularities of the news as a journalistic genre, there are truthfulness (the events must be real and possible to verify), objectivity (the journalist or communicator must not reflect his opinion or make value judgments when presenting it), clarity (events must be presented in an orderly and logical manner), brevity (irrelevant data and repetitions must be omitted), generality (the news must have social and not particular interest) and timeliness (it must refer to episodes recent).


Newspapers are usually based on the publication of news.

Classification according to type

It is very important, in addition to everything mentioned, to make it clear that we can find various types of news. Thus, for example, among the best known are the so-called chronological ones, which are those that are characterized because they use a temporal order to tell the recipient the events that have taken place.

On the other hand, there are summary news in which various information is released in summary at the same time. A very clear example of this is the news that reports on the different decisions that have been made in one of the sessions of the Congress of Deputies.

Nor should we forget the situational news. These are fundamentally characterized because they are not subject to the most "angry current affairs" but what they do is address some type of issue that worries society. Reporting forms are those in which issues as varied as drug use, health in a country or the unemployment situation are developed.

Those of human interest, complementary or spatial are other types of news that exist and that we can find both in the pages of the various newspapers of a city or nation and in the different radio and television news programs.

The news in the graphic press

In print media, news is always headed by a title , which is a short, precise sentence that refers, by connotation or denotation, to the content of the story.

From a linguistic point of view, there are three main types of headlines: informative (they identify the action and the protagonist), expressive (they try to impact readers) and appealing (they seek to attract attention).