Definition of



A hospital is a hospital.

It is important, to know the meaning of the term hospital , that, first of all, we discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to state that it derives from the Latin "nosocomium" which, in turn, comes from the Greek word "nosokomion." This word is the result of the sum of the following lexical components:

-The word “nosos”, which can be translated as “disease”.

-The verb "komo", which is equivalent to "care".

What is a hospital

A hospital is a place where patients are treated for their ailments and health problems . The term, therefore, is synonymous with hospital .

However, the words polyclinic, health center or even sanatorium can function as synonyms for hospital. In hospitals, diseases are also diagnosed and research and teaching activities are often carried out .

Resources and equipment

When a person does not feel well, experiences some pain, suffers an accident, needs a vaccine or simply wants to check their health, they go to a hospital. Nursing and medical experts who have the technical knowledge to carry out their tasks work in these types of establishments.

Hospitals also have the devices, instruments and technological resources necessary to carry out diagnoses and treatments . The degrees of complexity of the services provided, however, vary according to each one.


Hospitals have medical equipment and various resources to develop diagnoses and treatments.

Classification of hospitals according to their administration

There are public hospitals (managed by the State ) and private hospitals (managed by companies). State authorities, in any case, must guarantee that all people have access to health regardless of their economic position.

Unfortunately, public hospitals often lack adequate maintenance and do not have the machines and/or professionals necessary to meet the demands of patients since governments do not allocate a budget according to the importance of their function. That is why individuals are forced to turn to private hospitals, clinics or sanatoriums that, in general, charge high amounts for care.

However, in the vast majority of countries they are committed to public health, because there are public hospitals. This is because it brings with it advantages such as that everyone has access to it to improve their health, even the poorest people, as well as that it promotes equality and equity.

a board game

In the same way, we cannot ignore that Nosocomio is the name of a board game. Specifically, it is a card game that allows 2 to 6 players to play at the same time, which is for people over 10 years old and was designed by doctors.

Each player becomes the floor manager of a hospital and must try to win. Specifically, he will achieve this if he cures five patients or if he manages to empty all of his beds of patients. To do this, you must resort to using all types of deception, theft, poisoning, placebos, antibiotics, antidotes... In addition, you can choose the help of different professionals who will help you achieve your goal.