Definition of


Nolmuqta don't forget how much I love you

"Don't forget how much I love you"

Nolmuqta is an acronym that comes from the phrase “Don't forget how much I love you.” It is a romantic expression used to remind a person of the love you feel for them.

Poorly defined origins

The origins of this term are unclear. It is believed that it began to be used in tattoos , as a way to synthesize the meaning of the aforementioned maxim. Since “Don't forget how much I love you” has seven words and would require a large tattoo, at some point the idea would have been summarized as nolmuqta.

Beyond tattoos , the concept of nolmuqta can also be found in multiple images that are shared on social networks and published on Internet sites . Thanks to this trend, the notion became popular in Spanish-speaking nations.

It can be said, in short, that nolmuqta is linked to romanticism and unconditional love . Anyone who wants to remind their partner that they love them can use this acronym in messages and gifts, for example, thus transmitting their feelings and expressing them in different ways.

Trends and acronyms

Since the birth of the Internet until today, the use of acronyms in everyday speech has grown to such a high level that it is sometimes possible to express entire sentences using these reduced constructions exclusively. Such is the case of nolmuqta, which allows seven words to be said in the space occupied by one of relatively normal length. But two or more acronyms can also be combined to create more complex and varied sentences, and this is advancing day by day on social networks.

We must remember that, like so many other customs and trends in our language, the use of acronyms was common in the United States long before it reached us. The English language lends itself better to these types of modern linguistic economy strategies , since its words are shorter (many of them have a single syllable ), so the sound of a letter can be as long as that of a word. whole. Furthermore, given that it offers a much larger and more complex number of sound combinations than Spanish, certain acronyms that would be illegible to us can be pronounced as if they were just another word.

The weight of American culture in the rest of the world made this custom of condensing several words into one become popular internationally. As is often the case with trends and fashion, at first it was the younger portion of society that adopted the use of acronyms such as nolmuqta in their daily lives; However, the massification of mobile phones known as smartphones has brought social networks and instant messaging systems into the hands of people of all ages, and along with these possibilities, there is also the temptation to write more with less.

Although on certain platforms, such as Twitter , the character limit per message is too small, generally the use of acronyms does not arise due to external restriction issues, but rather due to personal taste. Likewise, there are many people who prefer to continue using complete words, with their capital letters, their commas, their initial question and exclamation marks, and their accents.

Nolmuqta acronym lol

"LOL", another of the many acronyms used today

As title of works

Different works, on the other hand, revolve around nolmuqta. On the Facebook page “Between books and coffee” , to mention one case, a story titled “Nolmuqta” is presented that was shared more than 208,000 times, has nearly 200,000 “Likes” and accumulates almost 50,000 comments.

“Nolmuqta” is also an animated short film that can be viewed on YouTube . Diana Sharone Márquez Tapia is the name of the person who developed this audiovisual material.