Definition of



The world's quality of life will improve significantly when human beings learn to live together in peace and respect each other beyond differences.

Non-discrimination is a principle that aims to give all human beings, regardless of their nationality, creed, lifestyle, year of birth, gender and other variables, dignity and equal rights .

It is an essential human right that should be enforced in any corner of the planet. Equity , justice , respect , tolerance and empathy are essential to achieve a harmonious and pleasant coexistence between all the inhabitants of the Earth .

Actions in favor of non-discrimination

Beyond the role of each State in the organization of a society in which each citizen is integrated and the needs or particularities of all sectors of the population are taken into account, at the individual level it is possible and important to carry out actions in favor of non-discrimination .

With good family education at an early age and raising good people with positive values ​​and habits, there are many chances of building a hopeful future. It is constructive to exchange opinions with subjects from different generations and reflect on what it means in practice to tolerate , accompany and include others, to propose some actions as a reference.

Promoting, through speech and by example, solidarity and empathy contributes to transforming the community for the better. It is even time to put an end to prejudices and free ourselves from stereotypes and labels .

Although, unfortunately, violence continues to destroy millions of lives today, we must continue working with the aim of helping and containing those who need a helping hand and promoting, at all times, peace , dialogue and forgiveness . Wars , persecutions in the name of faith, the subjugation suffered by indigenous communities and the difficulties faced by refugees , among many other global problems, are issues that must be urgently eradicated.

Although progress is evident at the international level and, in general terms, a more open and liberal mentality is observed that is accompanied by strong activism , there are still several rights and objectives to be achieved . Considerable social change is reflected in countries in which equal marriage and/or adoption by same-sex couples have been approved, but the path towards true equality is extensive and requires more actions, measures and inclusive policies .


Inclusive policies, guaranteed human rights, justice and equal access to the health system , for example, are needed to enjoy an optimal and dignified quality of life.

Types of discrimination

Unfortunately, there are numerous types of discrimination and constant reprehensible acts that, as a first option, we must try to prevent. If actions marked by hatred , intolerance , fanaticism or rejection cannot be avoided, then sanctions must be applied, harmful maneuvers must be combated and, simultaneously, the victims must be protected and assisted.

Gender , sexual orientation , age , race , ethnicity , religion and nationality are often taken as "excuses" or "justifications" for ridicule, attacks and segregation. Never, under any circumstances, should harassment , bullying , insults or disqualifications or other manifestations of discrimination be accepted, naturalized or allowed: we must continue to generate spaces for awareness aimed at extending respect for diversity and benevolent conduct or behaviour. Likewise, more resources and solutions are needed for minorities and people who suffer harassment , domestic abuse , gender violence or other similar problems.

It is urgent that rulers, leaders or leaders of global relevance, activists of causes related to social justice and ordinary people put aside differences and understand that, as long as the well-being of other beings is not attacked, we must let each one lives free and in peace. Transphobia , homophobia , sexism , xenophobia and racism are expressions of hatred , hostility and non-acceptance (or rejection ) towards those who, from an intransigent and prejudiced perspective, are "different" or "inferior" .

Different generations

Childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood and old age are stages of life that each human being should go through with dignity, rights and guarantees.

Accessibility, inclusion and non-discrimination

In a just world, no individual would have to be demanding that their rights not be violated nor would there be entities destined to be the voice of minorities and social marginalized people . We should all get involved and cooperate in favor of accessibility, inclusion and non-discrimination .

If there are no ramps on public roads in optimal condition, if sign language is not taught in educational establishments and is absent in the media and if the braille system is not used on a mass level, for example, then the obstacles to those who have a disability .

We must invest in education , awareness campaigns and public policies so that girls , boys , men and women do not have to hide, resign themselves to surviving in misery, suffer injustice, live in fear or give up rights because they are of a certain age, of a certain age. social class, not having had the privilege of studying, perceiving oneself in a certain way, etc.

It is important, at the same time, to provide guarantees so that both freedom of expression and anti-discrimination laws really exist, just as it is imperative to definitively install a social welfare model that revolves around true gender equity and equality .