Definition of



Neutral colors lack brightness.

To know the meaning of the term neutral , it is necessary, first of all, to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can point out that it comes from Latin, exactly from the word neuter , which means "that is neither of one nor the other" and that it is the result of the sum of these two Latin components:

-The word ne , which is used to indicate "denial."

-The pronoun uter- .

The Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), in its dictionary, recognizes a dozen meanings of the concept.

Neutral concept

As an adjective , neutral can be used to refer to that which lacks expressive or particular characteristics . For example: «With a neutral tone of voice, the judge communicated the sentence to the accused and the victim's relatives» , «The call was made with a neutral accent» , «It was a neutral message, which was limited to giving some instructions » .

The indifferent or objective can also be classified as neutral: "The analyst offered a neutral view of the conflict" , "You cannot be neutral in a case of these characteristics" , "The neutral spectator enjoyed the match, although the supporters of both clubs "They were disappointed with the result."


The notion of neutral is used in the field of electricity.

Other uses of the term

A neutral color , on the other hand, has no shine . These tones are somewhat dull or opaque.

In the field of grammar , the neuter gender is neither feminine nor masculine. In Spanish there are articles, personal pronouns, indefinite pronouns, quantifiers and demonstratives that are neutral.

There is also talk of neutral gender at the level of sexual identity . Transcending the binary conception of woman/man, the neutral gender is presented as a group that does not fit into one category or the other. There are people who promote the education of their children in a neutral gender until the descendants themselves decide in which category they feel most comfortable.

Neutral soap

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of what is known as neutral soap. Under this term is a soap that has the particularity that it has a PH that is very similar to that of human skin, that is, it is around 5.5.

Likewise, this hygiene product is also characterized because it does not have dyes, because it has a low level of acidity or because it does not have perfumes or chemical elements of any kind. Specifically, it is usually manufactured from animal oils and fats.

Many people resort to using this soap because it brings with it advantages such as that it is appropriate for any type of skin, that it does not dry out the skin and that it also makes it really soft.

The notion in electricity

In the field of electricity , finally, a neutral conductor is connected to ground, while a neutral body has the same amount of negative and positive charges.

Starting from all the meanings presented, we can establish that among the words that can function as synonyms for neutral we find indefinite, ambiguous , indeterminate, neutral, impartial or imprecise. On the contrary, among those that can act as antonyms are determined, defined, partial, precise or even specific.