Definition of



Networking can facilitate interviews with mentors.

Networking is a term that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). It is an Anglicism that, in any case, is frequently used in our language to refer to the establishment of professional and business connections with the aim of mainly promoting business contacts and commercial opportunities.

Networking allows entrepreneurs , businessmen and workers to build social capital, strengthen their respective positions and break down the obstacles that threaten their growth. Depending on its characteristics, there are different types of networking.

Types of networking

Professional networking is the network of contacts that managers and executives establish to enhance their interests through relationships that are beneficial for all participants. There are entities that promote professional networking by organizing events and periodic meetings.

Operational networking , meanwhile, takes place within a corporation. In this case, the aim is for a company's employees to be able to exchange knowledge, resolve difficulties together and coordinate their actions .

Strategic networking and personal networking are other types of networking. The concept is always associated with teamwork and networking so that participants achieve certain advantages or benefits.


Startups benefit from networking.

Your advantages

The key to networking is the meeting of individuals with common interests . A graphic designer who works independently (freelancing), for example, can use networking to establish a network of contacts with colleagues and potential clients, staying aware of job and cooperation possibilities. It is important to highlight that networking can also be developed on the Internet thanks to various platforms (such as LinkedIn ) and tools (webinars, chats, etc.).

Remote collaboration is especially important among those who telework . In the absence of personal meetings or face-to-face talks, online networking can help forge and strengthen ties.

Now suppose that a person starts a productive enterprise. Attending conferences, trade shows, and other networking events will help you establish communication with other producers, suppliers, and potential customers. Networking boosts public relations and can lead to the birth of collaborative projects, business associations and strategic alliances of various kinds.

It cannot be failed to mention that networking is also useful for training and for the development of interpersonal skills . That is why networking should be considered as part of a growth strategy.


Those who offer professional services use networking to advertise their services.

Networking on social networks

It is important to know that there is also a commitment to developing networking on social networks with the aim of improving and strengthening the personal brand . In this case, it is considered that by resorting to networking, advantages such as the following can be achieved:

  • The person will be able to make themselves known virtually.
  • You can attract potential clients and even build loyalty among those you already have.
  • The network of contacts will grow in a simple, economical and without difficulty way.
  • No less significant is the fact that income can be increased.
  • You can learn from the successes and mistakes of other contacts.
  • Of course, we must not overlook the fact that important professional synergies will be generated that turn out to be truly useful and beneficial.
  • If you have a website or a blog, you will be able to increase the number of visits to those spaces on the Internet.

Most frequent errors

In order to achieve these and other objectives, it is important to know that you must avoid making certain mistakes . We are referring to failures such as being too egocentric, not having a clear purpose with that networking performance, giving clients or potential clients the wrong image or even overdoing it in speaking at meetings.

In the same way, it is also a mistake not to pay attention to anyone other than the leading figures in the sector, to be very annoying with them, to never speak or even not learn from others.

The objectives of networking

After everything expressed we can summarize what the objectives of networking are. The main purpose is to promote knowledge of people and/or companies.

Starting from this premise, networking can be carried out with different goals. Many people aspire to find employment , either because they are unemployed or because they want to explore new opportunities.

Networking can also be developed to detect business opportunities based on knowledge of the sector. Similarly, this resource is useful for expanding your customer base.

What networking always ultimately allows is to contribute to the dissemination , whether of services or products. The idea is to establish connections, exchange experiences, publicize news or proposals and execute other actions that make possible, in one way or another, professional, commercial or even personal growth.