Definition of


The notion of netiquette is formed from two terms in the English language: net (which translates as “network” ) and etiquette (which refers to “etiquette” in relation to ceremonial). In our language , both this concept and its Castilianization, netiquette, are used.

NetiquetteNetiquette is linked to guidelines for behavior on the Internet . These are, therefore, the rules of etiquette that must be applied in a virtual environment to maintain respectful ties and in line with the rules of coexistence.

It can be said that netiquette is a kind of protocol that must be followed when establishing electronic contact. The goal is for communication to be courteous, considerate and attentive.

Social networks , email , instant messaging systems , blogs and forums , for example, are governed by netiquette. These rules aim to transcend the cultural and social differences that appear in relationships over the Internet.

Many of the netiquette criteria are shared by etiquette in general. Not hurting the interlocutor or violating their privacy, accepting the other's mistakes and not committing abuses of power are rules that apply on a personal and virtual level.

Other principles are linked to the particularities of the technology . Netiquette indicates that writing all letters and words in capital letters is equivalent to shouting : that is why such behavior can constitute aggression. Netiquette, on the other hand, requires taking into account the connection bandwidth of the interlocutors and accepting their response times.

In addition to those already mentioned, there are other basic rules of netiquette, such as the following:

-Education must be maintained at all times.

-You must be brief and concise in the messages you make.

-You should not send anyone spam emails or chains. In the same way, you should not send links to websites that could be dangerous.

-You should never be complicit in situations of harassment or danger.

-It is necessary to use correct syntax.

-You must always avoid copying others, the key is to quote them.

It is true that there are many places where you can find information about netiquette and the rules it establishes. However, it is considered in this sense that there are two works or documents that are essential in that sense. We are referring to these:

-The document RFC 1855. This, which appeared in 1955, is considered the first work that includes as such the rules that must be complied with on the Internet. It is true that it has already become somewhat obsolete, although there are some aspects that are still valid.

-The book «NETiquette», which was published in 1994 by author Virginia Shea. We can establish that this work is one of the most important and leading with respect to the subject at hand. And it is, among other things, because it includes what are considered the “Ten Golden Rules of Netiquette.”