Definition of


The Joker

The idea of ​​nemesis can be used to refer to an enemy or rival.

When it comes to thoroughly analyzing the concept at hand, we must first state that it has its etymological origin in an ancient Indo-European root that is nem or nom . It can be established that it translates as “assign, distribute.” It is also important to highlight the fact that at the beginning it was linked to what equal justice was.

The term in mythology

The term nemesis is not contemplated as content by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) , but it is not an invented word. If one digs into Greek mythology, one will soon discover that Nemesis is the name that identifies the goddess of revenge, fortune, and retributive justice . He was in charge of applying punishment to those who did not obey (for example, to children who did not respect their parents' orders).

Nemesis , it is said, sanctioned excess and did not let men be too lucky. In her intention to protect universal balance, the goddess could cause the ruin of those who had been favored by fortune. He was also responsible for avenging unhappy lovers for their partner's perjury.

For Hesiod , this goddess was the daughter of Erebus and Nyx (darkness and night). As a primordial deity, Nemesis was not subject to the dictates of the Olympian gods.


It is common for the concept of nemesis to be linked to the notion of rivalry or opposition.

Envy is the name of the Roman goddess who acts as the equivalent of this goddess Nemesis who has been venerated by many peoples and cultures throughout the centuries. Thus, for example, both the Egyptians, the Babylonians and the Persians worshiped him.

Artists of all time have depicted Nemesis with a crown and, sometimes, with a veil that does not allow his face to be fully appreciated. A narcissus flower, an apple branch, a wheel and a deer antler are other elements that are usually included in their representations for various symbolisms.

Nemesis as enemy

It should also be noted that, on certain occasions, nemesis is often used as a synonym for enemy . This use comes from the desire that an individual may have to exact revenge against his enemy, just as the goddess Nemesis would do to administer retributive justice.

For example: “The Joker is Batman's nemesis” , “This man, once again, had to face his nemesis” .

The concept in literature

Works by authors such as Agatha Christie , Isaac Asimov , Max Hastings and Louise Cooper have been dubbed “Nemesis” .

In the case of the first writer mentioned, considered the great lady of suspense, we can establish that said novel revolves around the death of the millionaire Mr. Rafiel. A character who, before dying, leaves a message, through a letter, to one of the most emblematic characters created by Christie: Miss Marple. Specifically, he asks her to solve a murder with the only clue being the word that gives the title to this book.

A theme, that of the aforementioned narrative work, that has nothing to do with the one addressed in Asimov's publication of the same title. The latter is framed within the science fiction genre and is set in the year 2236, a time in which men live in an anarchic, overpopulated and degenerate society. Therefore, when the star Nemesis is discovered, it will be considered salvation for human beings.