Definition of


The first thing we are going to do is know the etymological origin of the term ship that concerns us now. In this case, it must be emphasized that it derives from Latin, exactly from “navigium”, which can be translated as “ship” and that it is the result of the sum of the following lexical components of said language:

-The noun “navis”, which is synonymous with “ship”.

-The verb “agere”, which is equivalent to “impulse” or “move”.

-The suffix “-ium”, which is used to indicate “result”.

A ship is a large vessel .

Among the words that can function as synonyms for ship are boat, vessel, nao, boat, vessel or ship.

ShipThe notion was usually used to name an ancient warship that had three masts with square or square sails, at least two bridges or decks and several cannon batteries. This ship, also called a warship or ship of the line , was used in squad formations.

Specifically, it can be established that the parts of a ship of the line are the deck of the first battery, the deck of the second battery, the main deck, the mizzen mast, the mainmast, the foremast, the fantail, the forecastle, the quarterdeck and the waist.

The naval squadrons that were used between the 17th century and the 19th century were generally formed with ships of this class. By aligning themselves, a type of wall was created from which simultaneous shots were fired against the enemies .

These warships represent an evolution of the galleons . Previously, ships were used for boarding in hand-to-hand combat; From the development of ships and square formations, they began to attack from a distance, taking advantage of the range of mortars and cannons.

HMS Victory is considered one of the most famous ships of the line. It was built in 1758 , fought in the Battle of Trafalgar ( 1805 ) under the command of Admiral Horatio Nelson and currently operates as a museum in the port of Portsmouth ( England ).

Beyond the war terrain it is possible to find other types of ships. A transport ship or cargo ship is used to transport food or merchandise, or even ammunition and troops, although it does not enter combat. A merchant ship or merchant vessel , on the other hand, transports passengers and merchandise between different ports .

In addition to those already mentioned, we can highlight other types of ships:

-Propeller ship, which is one that has a steam engine and a corresponding propeller that allow it to start.

-Guard ship, which is responsible for dealing with incidents that occur in a port or in a squadron.

-Flag ship. It also responds to the name of general ship or flagship ship. It can be said that it has a squad general at its head.

-Lowered ship, which, in the same way, can be known by many other names: head ship, high-board ship, raised ship.