Definition of



Nanotechnology works with magnitudes that are measured in nanometers.

Nanotechnology is a discipline that works with materials and structures whose magnitudes are measured in nanometers , which is equivalent to one billionth of a meter . A nanomaterial has morphological properties smaller than a tenth of a micrometer in at least one dimension; In other words, considering that the materials must have height, width and length, one of these three dimensions is less than one tenth of a meter divided by 1 million.

This applied science is developed at the level of atoms and molecules. Chemistry, biology and physics are some of the fields of application of nanotechnology, which appears as a hope for the solution of various problems.

Applications of nanotechnology

One of the first steps in the development of nanotechnology has been the understanding of DNA as a key player in the regulation of body processes. Molecules , therefore, prove to be determinants in life processes.

Nanomedicine , on the other hand, is the branch of medicine that takes advantage of the knowledge of nanotechnology in procedures intended for health care. In this context, one of its potential applications is the development of nanoscale robots, which would be capable of entering the human body and completing different activities, such as the search and destruction of cancer cells or the repair of fissures in the bones. bone tissues.

Advanced nanotechnology , meanwhile, is known as the engineering of nanosystems that operates at a molecular scale. This discipline works with products created from a certain arrangement of atoms.


Nanotechnology has multiple applications.

The risks

Critics of nanotechnology have mentioned various risks linked to its development, such as the potential toxicity of the new class of nanosubstances or the possible appearance of a so-called gray plague (where nanorobots would self-replicate uncontrollably until they consume all the living matter on the planet). .

It is important to note, however, that nanotechnology requires the participation of various fields of knowledge , such as chemistry , molecular biology, computer science and medicine, among other sciences. Each one provides the theory and practical work necessary so that the others can start from a base on which to research and develop, which is why this technology is called convergent . In other words, thanks to nanotechnology, the barriers that divide scientific knowledge are broken down, enhancing the complexity of the results.

Investment in nanotechnology

Several countries whose economies are undergoing full economic development invest considerable financial sums and specialized labor in researching the potential applications of nanotechnology. As mentioned above, nanomedicine presents tantalizing opportunities to humans, especially when considering that it could improve various practices and procedures, such as diagnoses, cures, drug administration, and surgeries.

Worldwide, the number of laboratories that allocate significant percentages to research into this type of technology is around forty. On the other hand, around three hundred companies carry the nano prefix in their names, although this is not reflected in the product offerings available on the market.

With respect to computing , it is known that colossi such as IBM, Intel and NEC, among others, invest million-dollar sums year after year in their Research and Development departments, which has an impact on the characteristics of the components they manufacture. Likewise, the governments of the most developed countries show great interest in nanotechnology, and their monetary bets exceed by dozens those that the companies just mentioned can make.

But nanotechnology could improve many aspects of some traditional industries , which people do not always associate with the term technology; Such is the case of the textile and footwear world, and the food, health, automotive and building sectors.