Definition of


Shut up

Exiting means staying silent.

The Latin word mutāre , which referred to leaving a place, evolved into mutarsi , an Italian term linked to the action of leaving or leaving. In our language , these concepts became mutis , a word originally used in the field of theater .

Mutis is an indication for the actor who, in the development of a work , must leave the scene . The idea of ​​“exiting” , therefore, consists of leaving the stage or, by extension, another place. For example: “When the explosion sounds, we have to exit,” “The actor exited late and caused confusion in the audience.”

In colloquial language, the notion of exit is linked to demanding an individual to remain silent : “It would be good for the deputy to exit and not try to use justifications: the facts are evident” , “I am going to ask you to exit and I will “Listen carefully, without interruptions.”

Pharaoh Mutis

Mutis is also the name of an Egyptian pharaoh who, according to certain versions, would have ruled for a year in 392 BC . This ruler is also mentioned as Hernebja .

The story goes that when Nepherites I died, two sides were created between which the throne was divided in two; Those in charge of reigning each were Mutis and Psamutis . They began reigning together but a few months later Psamutis deposed Mutis and kept the throne. In this way we could say that Mutis 's predecessor was Pharaoh Nepherites I and his successor, Psamutis .


Silence is associated with silence.

A Colombian writer

Álvaro Mutis , on the other hand, is a writer born in Bogotá ( Colombia ) in 1923 and died in 2013 , who has received awards such as the Reina Sofía Award , the Prince of Asturias Award , the Xavier Villaurrutia Award and the Cervantes Award . Throughout his career, Mutis published collections of poems, novels, short stories and essays.

According to the Diario ABC, among the essential works of Álvaro Mutis should be mentioned "Maqroll el Gaviero" (it is considered one of the turning points in Latin American literature), "The Emissaries" (which illustrates the political and cultural panorama that surrounded the poet in his youth), "The death of the strategist" (with intense reflections on the meaning of existence), "The Mansion of Araucaíma" (several stories in which the difficulty of letting go of the past with its repressed memories is evident. and his broken desires) and "Diario de Lecumberri" (where he narrates his memories and experiences in Lecumberri , a Mexican prison where he was detained during his youth).

The scientist José Celestino Mutis

José Celestino Mutis (1732-1808), finally, was a Spanish scientist and religious who lived in what is now Colombia and who made important contributions to the field of botany. One of his best-known works is titled "The Flora of Bogotá" , in which he recorded all his discoveries throughout his adventures in pursuit of learning more about the vegetation and life of the Colombian jungle. This book did not see the light of day until a long time after Mutis died, but today it is considered an essential work for anyone passionate about the world of plants.

It is worth mentioning that Mutis did extensive research in search of practical solutions for agricultural exploitation that would not damage the soil or the native flora ; However, his discoveries received little impact at the time.