Definition of



In some contexts, musing is synonymous with "murmuring."

The verb musitar comes from the Latin word mussitāre . It is a term that refers to mumbling or murmuring .

unclear message

He who speaks under his breath , therefore, is muttering. When muttering, something is communicated or transmitted in a very low and unclear voice .

For example: “Before losing consciousness, the man whispered the name of the aggressor, which provided very valuable information for the development of the investigation,” “Every time the boss gives an order, no matter how ridiculous it may be.” That is, no one dares to whisper a complaint for fear of losing their job,” “In the middle of the storm, I was surprised to hear myself whisper a song that my grandmother used to hum to me in my distant childhood.”

Let's look at the three examples presented in the previous paragraph one by one to study the meaning of this term in context. In the first case we have a man who has just been attacked on a public street and is about to faint; However, with his last strength , he tries to say the name of who attacked him, something that is very useful for the police officers who will be in charge of finding and arresting the culprit.

The second sentence does not focus on the lack of strength of the person who speaks this way but uses another point of view, to demonstrate that the fear imposed by the employer on his work team is so great that they are not even able to question his orders by muttering, that is, expressing himself in the weakest and timid way possible ; They opt for absolute silence.

The last example presents us with a person who surprises himself by whispering a song from his childhood. The verb musing in this case does not provide a nuance of lack of strength, but of sweetness and softness . Furthermore, it is important to highlight that the subject does not do it voluntarily, and therefore it would be inappropriate to resort to the verb sing .

Contexts in which it is applied

Various causes can lead to muttering instead of another kind of expression. Those who mutter often do so because they do not have the strength to speak normally. A dying person, to mention one possibility, is likely to be able to mumble but not converse.

You can also mutter as a way of talking to yourself . Suppose a woman is carrying out a very difficult activity, which requires great concentration. While carrying out the task, you can whisper: “Don't worry, you're doing very well…” . These words allow you to cheer yourself up.

Musitate meeting

Do not dare to complain to the employer

Nuances of its use

An utterance that is uttered without conviction , on the other hand, may be the result of muttering. A criminal, caught by the police while committing a robbery, may mutter “I am innocent,” despite knowing that he is not and that the officers are also aware of his guilt.

In this case we can appreciate the lack of force that usually characterizes the verb musitar not as a matter beyond the will of the subject, but quite the opposite: as a resource that is used so that the message is not emitted clearly .

Although in a context where the control of words is very strict we cannot save ourselves by whispering a lie, it may seem like a good decision for someone who finds themselves in a very difficult situation, from which it seems almost impossible to escape. One of the benefits that the person can try to achieve is that no one denies the fact that they have answered a question: whether a lie is preferable to silence .