Definition of


The concept of mufa comes from the Italian word muffa . The term is used in various ways in South American nations such as Uruguay and Argentina .

MufaMufa is a state of annoyance or anger that is produced by something that bothers or displeases. For example: “I'm upset because my TV burned down,” “My soccer team lost again, I'm upset…” “It's raining again, what a mess!” .

Generally, mufa appears when faced with an unforeseen event that alters plans or prevents the fulfillment of an objective . It also occurs when a certain inconvenience or problem occurs over and over again.

On the other hand, the individual who is accused of bringing bad luck is classified as a mufa. The mufa person, in this framework, causes misfortunes or adversities: “Don't invite Ramiro! It's a mufa", "I think I'm a mufa: the last two times I went to the cinema, the power went out in the middle of the show", "You better not name your cousin because he's a mufa".

Starting from this meaning, we can establish that among the words that can be used as a synonym for mufa are jinx, doomsayer, ash, spoilsport, unfortunate, negative, yetatore and even maleficent.

This meaning of mufa is part of the orbit of superstitions since it is a belief alien to reason and religion. There is no rational argument or faith to affirm that a subject is mufa, beyond possible coincidences that have been recorded.

In some cases, the accusation of mufa causes serious damage . There are artists who saw their professional careers affected when rumors began to spread about the supposed misfortunes caused by their mere presence. That happened to the Argentine singer Juan “Corazón” Ramón .

In the same way, we cannot ignore that MUFA is the acronym used to refer to “Monounsaturated Fatty Accidents”. That is, to mention foods that have high amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids. In conclusion, what are foods rich in healthy fats.

Precisely these foods are recommended to be included in anyone's diet because they bring with them an important series of advantages, among which we can highlight the following:

-They contribute to having perfectly balanced hormones.

-They serve to reduce the levels of the so-called bad cholesterol.

-They help maintain the levels of the so-called good cholesterol at an adequate level.

-They considerably reduce the risks of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

-They also serve to ensure that cells develop properly.

-In addition, MUFA foods are also very useful for strengthening the immune system.

-Of course, we must not forget that it contributes to the good condition of the brain.

Precisely because of all these benefits and many others, we must not overlook the fact that more and more people are encouraged to include MUFA foods in their diet. Specifically, among the most significant we can highlight olives, olive oil, dark chocolate, almonds, flax seeds, walnuts, avocado, pumpkin seeds and even pistachios.