Definition of



The movement of the body and the shaking of a limb or body part are called movement.

We have to go to Latin to be able to find the etymological origin of the word movement . Specifically, when doing so we will discover that it is the result of the sum of two Latin words: the verb "movere", which is synonymous with "moving from one place to another", and the suffix "-miento", which is equivalent to "action". and effect.

Movement is the action and effect of moving (making a body leave the place it occupies and occupy another; shaking a thing or part of the body; giving reason for something). One of the meanings of the term refers to the state of bodies while they change position or place . For example: "Despite the fact that the line of cars is endless, you can already see a sustained movement of the vehicles" , "He is a boxer with very fast movements that disconcert his rival" , "The footballer got two men off him with a exquisite movement and then he shot .

Another use of the concept refers to shock, alteration or concern : "I am worried because there is a big movement at the door of the house and I don't know what is happening," "The movement caught the attention of the old man, who went out to see what was happening and He received a bullet."

The translation and rotation of the Earth

It is important to establish that speaking of movements we cannot ignore those made by the Earth:

Translational movement , which is when our planet rotates around the Sun.

Rotational movement , which is when the Earth rotates on itself and lasts 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds.


A movement may consist of the development and dissemination of a doctrine.

The movement as a doctrine or tendency

The development and diffusion of a trend or doctrine , on the other hand, is also known as a movement.

"The Peronist movement can change leaders and update itself to new times, but it will never leave aside its premises of social justice", «This German author is considered one of the greatest exponents of the romantic movement» y "A revolutionary movement is brewing in the southern mountains" son expresiones que reflejan esta acepción.

Some examples

We can mention a type of movement that has been born and grown in recent years. We are referring to the 15-M movement, which has a citizen character and which appeared on May 15, 2011. Specifically, it emerged when a series of camps took place in Madrid's Puerta del Sol and from there all types of mobilizations were developed. in Spain with the clear objective of showing the rejection of the two-party system that existed in the country or the need to strengthen democracy.

All this without forgetting different institutions around the world that use the term we are analyzing. Among them we would highlight the Peace Movement, launched in the 1980s. It is an NGO that is committed to solidarity and cooperation between countries and continents.

The concept of movement in music and chess

In the field of music , movement refers to the speed of the beat or the fragments of a sonata or symphony according to the time contrast between them .

For chess , the moves are each of the moves that are made: "I am going to defeat you in less than twenty moves."