Definition of


The first thing we are going to do before delving into the meaning of the term mortals is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can emphasize that it derives from Latin, exactly from the word "mortalis", which can be translated as "must die" and that it is formed from the sum of several lexical components:

-The noun "mor, mortis", which is synonymous with "death."

-The suffix "-al", which is equivalent to "relative to".

The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary refers to one whose existence is conditioned by death .

MortalAll living beings are mortal: this means that life always leads, sooner or later, to death . Death means that the homeostatic process is extinguished , ending the life cycle that began with birth.

Among the words that can function as synonyms for mortal are perishable, expired, temporary, fleeting and even ephemeral. On the contrary, its antonyms include imperishable, immortal, eternal or perennial.

Death can occur from a natural cause (such as illness or the consequences of old age ) or induced ( murder , accident , suicide ). Once death occurs, the living organism ceases to exist as such.

What can cause death is also classified as fatal. For example : "The young actor suffered a fatal accident while riding his bicycle" , "Deadly fight in a bar in San Cristóbal: two young people lost their lives in the framework of a fight" , "A deadly fire left a dozen dead of victims in Switzerland .

A fatal disease , in this framework, can cause death to the sick individual. In the same way, a deadly poison is a substance that, due to its degree of toxicity , is capable of killing anyone who becomes intoxicated with it.

Mortal, on the other hand, is something exaggerated, enormous, definitive or definitive : "It's deadly hot today, it's better not to leave the house," "We had a deadly trip: it took us more than ten hours to travel two hundred kilometers," "The "The government dealt a mortal blow to the opposition by advancing the date of the elections."

Starting from this meaning, we can establish that among the words that function as synonyms for that term are dangerous, fatal, disastrous, frightening, horrible, overwhelming, lethal and tiring.

We cannot ignore either that "Mortal" is the title of an adventure and fantasy film, which was released in 2020. It is directed by André Ovredal and tells the story of a love that comes to discover that it has a series of extraordinary powers, specifically those with which a god of Norse mythology is identified.

Additionally, the video game “Mortal Kombat” is well known worldwide. This one, which is a wrestling game, was presented in the 90s and has given rise to not only eleven versions but also a franchise around it that has generated billions.