Definition of



A fashion show allows you to show the new creations of designers who seek to impose trends.

From the French mode , a fashion is a usage or custom that is in vogue in a certain region during a certain period. This is a trend adopted by a large part of society , generally associated with clothing .

Fashion can be defined as a mechanism that regulates people's choices since, through a kind of social pressure, it tells people what they should consume, use or do. Fashion becomes a repetitive habit that identifies a subject or a group of individuals.

It can be reflected in certain objects or visible aspects (clothing, hairstyles, etc.), but also in ways of acting and behaviors (listening to a style of music, going to a certain restaurant, going on vacation to a certain destination).

The concept in colloquial expressions

In this way, it is common for two expressions to be used on a regular basis within the most colloquial sphere. Thus, on the one hand, we come across the verbal phrase "being in fashion", which is used to say that a type of clothing, hairstyle or way of acting has been imposed at that time and is styled by many people.

On the other hand, opposite that phrase there would be another: "going out of fashion." With it they try to express the opposite. That is to say, it is conveyed that any piece of clothing, a type of accessory or even makeup or hairstyle have already become completely obsolete .

Celebrities and fashion

In general, celebrities are the ones who impose a fashion. If a Hollywood star shows up at an event in a pink dress, millions of women are likely to want to buy and wear the same dress. In this way, little by little, the trend that becomes fashion is built.

Among the cases of celebrities who have most influenced the rest of the population in terms of wardrobe or hairstyles would be Marilyn Monroe, Jacky Kennedy, Jennifer Aniston and even Madonna.

In the case of men, in addition to actors and singers, footballers also impose a lot of fashion, who have become true icons to imitate. Thus, for example, it is common that when athletes of the stature of David Beckham or Cristiano Ronaldo get a new haircut or start wearing a type of sunglasses, many gentlemen also decide to opt for that same style.

However, we must not forget that, in addition to famous people, fashion is clearly imposed by the publications that revolve around it. Thus, in terms of wardrobe, we should highlight magazines that have great international relevance, such as "Vogue", "Vanity Fair" or "Elle".


It is common for the notion of fashion to be associated with clothing.

Clothing design

Fashion is usually associated with what has to do with clothing and clothing design. It is common to refer to this sector as the fashion industry , even though there are few designers capable of imposing a style.

Although joining a fashion is voluntary, people who prefer not to follow these mandates are, in a certain way, separated from society. Wearing something out of fashion is frowned upon and may be the subject of criticism or ridicule.