Definition of


Before entering fully into the meaning of the term miosis we have to explain its etymological origin. In this case it must be emphasized that it is a neologism that derives from Greek. Specifically, it is the result of the union of two lexical components:

-The verb "myein", which can be translated as "wink your eye."

-The suffix "-sis", which is used to indicate "action."

The concept refers to the shrinkage of the eye pupil .

MiosisThis reduction in size is enabled by the ciliary muscle and controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system. The opposite of miosis is mydriasis , which is the enlargement of the pupil by the action of the iris dilator muscle .

There are several causes that can cause miosis. In general, it is a normal reaction of the eye when an increase in luminosity is recorded. However, some drugs and various diseases also cause miosis.

Methadone , morphine , thorazine and carbachol are some of the substances that generate miosis. These drugs are part of medications that are used in different treatments and that have miosis as a side effect .

Regarding diseases that constrict the pupil of the eye in a pathological way, spinal miosis , spasmodic miosis , intracranial hemorrhage and Claude-Bernard-Horner syndrome appear.

In the same way, it should not be overlooked that it is also considered that other causes of miosis may be hemorrhage, specifically in the brain stem bridge, or continued exposure to certain chemicals. Specifically, we are referring to substances such as fertilizers or herbicides, for example.

Miosis is also known as a pinpoint pupil. A person who considers that they may suffer from it should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. He or she will perform the relevant tests and establish a diagnosis. If he determines that you actually suffer from miosis, he will choose to indicate your hospitalization so that the cause can be discovered and the appropriate treatment adopted in each case.

Treatments may include reducing the patient's blood pressure if the miosis has occurred due to a brain hemorrhage or performing a stomach lavage if it has occurred due to drug use, for example. However, for other causes, it may lead to having to resort to surgery, known as pupilloplasty, or the use of a thermal laser.

A person with healthy eyesight and who does not take drugs will ultimately experience miosis in high-intensity light. In this case, the pupil constricts as a response to the stimulus. If there is little light, however, mydriasis will occur: the dilation of the pupil.

It should be noted that remedies that are given to intentionally produce miosis are classified as miotics . Miotic drops , in this framework, are used to treat glaucoma , for example.