Definition of



A minute can be a draft or a note.

The term minuta , whose etymological root is found in medieval Latin, has several uses. The concept can refer to the draft that is made of an official letter, a contract or another document, with the premise of developing it later with the formalities of each case.

A minute, therefore, includes the essential contents. The final version of the text should have more details and even a different type of wording.

The minutes are also the notes that are taken to keep something in mind. The notion can also refer to an enumeration or a list .

Minutes at corporate meetings

In the case of a meeting, for example, the minutes are notes that someone takes so that in a document there is a record of all the topics that are discussed throughout it, as well as the decisions that arise from it. Thanks to the minutes, it is easier to keep track. Although there is no fixed structure that regulates the preparation of these notes, there are four fundamental points: the names of the attendees; the topics to be discussed; the conclusions and proposals; the signature of each participant.

Given that in the same company the format of the minutes does not change from one meeting to another, it is recommended to prepare a template that serves as a model. To do this, it is useful to anticipate all the types of data that we will want to record, so that it can be used in any case. Of course, this will result in some of your sections being empty in certain meetings, but this is preferable to having to add them by hand every time they are needed.

Different formats

Regarding the format, this depends on each company; In any case, it is normal that after its preparation it is digitalized, so it does not matter if we prefer to use paper during the meeting . In addition to the information mentioned above, it is also advisable to include the date, place, type of meeting (a board meeting, brainstorming, etc.), and the exact start and end times. If the participants bring documents that they present during the meeting, it does not hurt to attach copies of them to the minutes.

In the case of lawyers and other types of professionals, the document that includes the details of the fees is called a minute. The minute can be calculated in different ways.


Milanesas are the most popular minutes in Argentina.

The minute in gastronomy

In Argentina , however, minute has a very different meaning. This is the name given to food that can be prepared in a few minutes and is usually part of the menu of popular restaurants.

There is no precise definition of a minute, and therefore a list of minutes cannot be mentioned. However, it is common for the name to be applied to homemade dishes where the chef 's skills make a difference: that is, they are not industrial or packaged products.

The milanesa is the most famous menu in Argentina . It is a steak or fillet of meat that is dipped in beaten egg and then coated with breadcrumbs. Milanese is typically fried, although it can also be baked in the oven .

A quick meal

In this framework, ordering a meal in a restaurant or bar guarantees the speed of its preparation compared to a more elaborate dish. For this reason, if the client does not have much time to eat a meal, it is the best option to not take too long.

This concept is also usually associated with the quantity, which is generally less than that of other dishes. These properties do not always go hand in hand, but it is also not common for someone to have only a minute for lunch or dinner, but rather to consume it to accompany a drink during a brief visit to the establishment .